UFC® 4 Deluxe Edition $69.99+ Games includedUFC® 4 Add-ons includedUFC® 4 - Brock LesnarUFC® 4 - 500 UFC POINTSUFC® 4 - Bruce Lee BantamweightUFC® 4 - Bruce Lee FeatherweightUFC® 4 - Bruce Lee LightweightUFC® 4 - Bruce Lee WelterweightUFC® 4 - Tyson FuryUFC...
fluid clinch-to-strike combinations offer more responsive and authentic stand-up gameplay, while overhauled takedown and ground mechanics deliver more control in those key phases of the fight. No matter how, or where, you play EA SPORTS UFC 4 puts ‘you’ at the center of every fight. CONDIT...
無論你的遊戲風格或遊戲地點為何,「你」都是《EA SPORTS UFC 4》每場格鬥的主角。 適用條款與限制。詳細資訊請參見 www.ea.com/zh-tw/legal。顯示更多 發佈者 Electronic Arts 開發者 EA Vancouver 發行日期 8/13/2020 遊戲方式 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 功能 Xbox 本機多人遊戲 (2-2) 線上多人遊戲...
UFC® 4 Standard Edition Electronic Arts•Action & adventure• 4.6K Blood, Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, Language Users Interact, In-Game Purchases (Includes Random Items) +Offers in-app purchases. Online multiplayer on console requires Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Game Pass Core (sold...
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Shape Your Legend in EA SPORTS™ UFC® 4. In EA SPORTS UFC 4 the fighter you become is shaped by your fight style, your achievements, and your personality. Develop and customize your character through a unified progression system across all modes. Go from unknown amateur to UFC superstar...
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