The Xbox One X will be available for purchase online in India on the Microsoft India store, Amazon and Flipkart. Consumers can also buy the Xbox One X from Landmark and Croma retail stores. The device will also be available for purchase from over 100 gaming specialty stores in India. The ...
Location Hyderabad, India System Specs Apr 2, 2015 #1 WD, a Western Digital company, and world leader in storage solutions, today introduced the My Passport X portable hard drive for gamers. When connected to Xbox One or a PC, the sleek 2 TB My Passport X drive provides much-needed...
I'd rather read a story disclosing the download size of the new Call of Duty game, or an opinion piece by an indie developer about whether the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro is better, or a listing of sales on the Australian PSN store even though I'm in the US, or a story about how ...