其他資訊請見 FINAL FANTASY XIV 網站:https://www.finalfantasyxiv.com。• 若要遊玩此產品,還需擁有已啟用的 Xbox Game Pass Core 或 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 計畫。• 購買附加內容的注意事項:附加內容將在您登入遊戲時存入您的 Square Enix 帳戶。從 Microsoft Store 購買附加內容後,請務必啟動 Xbox ...
從 Microsoft Store 購買附加內容後,請務必啟動 Xbox Series X|S 版本的 FINAL FANTASY XIV 並登入。若您在登入 FINAL FANTASY XIV 時購買了附加內容,請務必返回遊戲啟動畫面並再次登入,您的帳戶才會套用附加授權。 若想獲得最新資訊,則請參考Dawntrail官方網站:https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/dawntrail/顯...
2024 年 3 月 21 日,Square Enix 發行了《Final Fantasy XIV》。 尋找《Final Fantasy XIV》基本問題的解答。 備註您可以到 Microsoft Store 中的遊戲產品詳細資料頁面,或到此處的遊戲開發人員的網站,尋找遊戲的特定資訊: 《Final Fantasy XIV》 常見問題集 全部展開 免費試用版有哪些限制? 需要什麼條件,才能...
To join the open beta, simply download the free trial from the Xbox Store. When you start FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, you’ll be guided through registration and sign-in, be able to create your character, choose a server to play on and more. It’s all designed to be quick and easy to ...
To join the open beta, simply download the free trial from the Xbox Store. When you start FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, you’ll be guided through registration and sign-in, be able to create your character, choose a server to play on and more. ...
On March 21, 2024, Square Enix released Final Fantasy XIV. Find answers to basic questions about Final Fantasy XIV. Note You can find information specific to your game by going to the title's product detail page in the Microsoft Store, or to the game developer's website here: Final Fanta...
FINAL FANTASY XIV OnlineView game Description The Complete Edition is perfect for new players as it includes the base game and all expansions through Endwalker – all in one comprehensive package! Purchase by 04-20-2024 (10:00 UTC) to receive the following bonus items! • Palom Minion...
《最终幻想14》登陆Xbox Series X/S,公测版已经上线 史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square Enix)宣布,《最终幻想14(Final Fantasy XIV)》公测版已经在Xbox Series X和Xbox Series S上线,玩家可以在微软次世代游戏主机免费体验这款MMORPG。需要提醒的是,公测版仅限于新玩家,其他平台上玩过《最终幻想14》的老玩家需要等待...
This content is locked Description Play FINAL FANTASY XIV Online for FREE! The FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Free Trial includes three award-winning titles - FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn the base game, and the first and second expansions: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward and FINAL FANTASY XIV: ...
Available Editions can be purchased through the Microsoft Store: Final Fantasy XIV Online Starter Edition The Starter Edition includes three titles: The base game, A Realm Reborn, as well as the first and second expansions, Heavensward and Stormblood. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker This includ...