在系統更新後,如果 Xbox 主機重新啟動時顯示包含 “E” 錯誤碼的 [發生錯誤] 畫面,請使用 “E” 後面的三個數字,在下方尋找正確的疑難排解步驟。 如果您沒有看到如上圖的 [發生問題]畫面,或看到下方未列出的錯誤,請前往: 疑難排解 Xbox 上的系統更新問題 尋找下方包含您看到之錯誤碼的區段: E100、E200、E2...
E101 Expand all Step 1: Download the Offline System Update file (OSU1) Step 2: Update your system Step 3: Your console needs to be repaired E102 Expand all Step 1: Can you bring up the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter? Step 2: Restore your console to factory defaults Step 3: Try...
but if you see an“E” error codewhen your Xbox One console restarts after a system update, it’s plain trouble. The good news is that most of the time, it can be resolved by reinstalling the system update in offline mode, or you need to use the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter to resolve...
First things first, to troubleshoot the system update error, check the error message or error code under the heading ‘Something went wrong’. If the error code starts with the letter ‘E’ in the beginning, then, look for the other three letters following it. This can be, E100 E101 E...
システム アップデート後に Xbox 本体を再起動したときに、[問題が発生しました] 画面が表示され、"E" エラー コードが明示されている場合は、"E" に続く 3 桁の数字を手掛かりにして、以下で適切な問題解決の手順を見つけてください。 上の図のような [問題が発生しました] 画面が表示さ...
E101 Expand all Step 1: Download the Offline System Update file (OSU1) Step 2: Update your system Step 3: Your console needs to be repaired E102 Expand all Step 1: Can you bring up the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter? Step 2: Restore your console to factory defaults Step 3: Try...
Read: How to fix Xbox One startup errors or E error codes. Xbox Online Troubleshooter If, all of the above methods fail and you continue to see this error, try using this online troubleshooter and include a full description of your problem along with any error messages you may have r...
Look for the section below that contains the error code you’re seeing: E100, E200, E204, or E207 E101 Expand all Step 1: Download the Offline System Update file (OSU1) Step 2: Update your system Step 3: Your console needs to be repaired ...
E101 Expand all Step 1: Download the Offline System Update file (OSU1) Step 2: Update your system Step 3: Your console needs to be repaired E102 Expand all Step 1: Can you bring up the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter? Step 2: Restore your console to factory defaults Step 3: Try...
Si ves la pantalla Ha habido un problema con un código de error "E" cuando la consola Xbox se reinicia después de una actualización del sistema, usa los tres dígitos que siguen a la "E" para encontrar a continuación los pasos adecuados para la solución de problemas. Nota Esta soluci...