在 EA 協助中心、 PC、Xbox Live 和 PlayStation™ Network 網站檢查遊戲的伺服器狀態。 您可能因為停機或已知問題所以遇到問題。請到EA 論壇的 EA 玩家社群,或追蹤@EAHelp,了解任何新出現的問題。 不同的 EA 遊戲在不同的伺服器上執行。如果您在遊戲中遇到問題,最好的辦法是查看 X 上的@EAHelp或任何遊戲官...
Look for Server connectivity. If the status says Blocked, your PC was unable to establish a Teredo IPsec connection to the Quality of Service (QoS) server. If you also see Teredo is unable to qualify next to NAT type, visit the Teredo troubleshooting page first to fix that problem. Go t...
如今,Xbox Live服务器已经扩展到其他地区。根据网站pingserverstatus显示,Xbox有11个服务器,分别是美东、美中、美西、欧西、欧东、加拿大、东南亚1、东南亚2、大洋洲、南美和澳大利亚。我测试了一下,以自己的网络位置去Ping,延迟最小的是南美和澳大利亚服务器,延迟最大的是加拿大服务器。其实,Xbox的会员游戏库已...
Visit www.topspin.2k.com/server-status for more information. Software Terms of Service (ToS) in game and at www.take2games.com/legal. Non-transferable access to special features, such as exclusive/unlockable/downloadable/online & bonus content/services/functions/multiplayer services, may require ...
请访问www.topspin.2k.com/server-status了解更多信息 可在游戏中和www.take2games.com/legal上查看软件服务条款(ToS)。 对特殊功能的不可转让访问权,例如独占/可解锁/可下载/在线和奖励内容/服务/功能/多人游戏服务,可能需要一次性序列码、额外费用和/或注册不可转让的在线账户(须满足最低年龄要求)。访问www....
Error 71 The suggestions are listed in order of what we've noticed solves the most issues you might run into. Start from the top and work your way through the list. We hope you'll be back on the field in a jiffy! Check theXbox Server Status ...
如果游戏参与了 Xbox Game Pass 或 PC 版 Game Pass,则建议在游戏参与过程中授予 Game Pass 订阅者特定的游戏内权益。 collections.mp.microsoft.com/v9.0/collections/publisherQuery API 提供了检查用户是否是 Xbox Game Pass 服务及其订阅层的订阅者的功能。发布者必须根据你需要访问的 Xbox Game Pass 的层级来...
FragPunk has delayed its console release. The free-to-play shooter will now come to PC first, with in-game compensation offered to Xbox and PlayStation players. Posted yesterday by Heidi Nicholas22 Series X Dead by Daylight Hellraiser Xbox achievements to be saved after DLC delist ...
Now for those who don't know what this little guy does; It allows you to hook upANYwireless Xbox 360 Controller which operates on a wireless 2.4ghz range to your PC(Up to four devices just like the original Xbox 360)which is useful for playing a lot of Steam games which are coming....
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