一位Reddit用户(L3Jane)声称,她收到的是本世代的Xbox One X,而不是她实际订购的Xbox Series X。 毫无疑问,关于Xbox One X和XboxSeries X的命名规则有些混乱,该用户在Xbox Series X的官方论坛上表示,这一混淆不是她造成的。“我检查了三遍订单,确定是Series X,澳洲地区,通过Telstra购买。”还有用户表示:“我...
微软白色数字版Xbox Series X新机造型被曝光 微软的Xbox Series系列最早推出时Series S仅有白色主机、Series X仅有黑色主机版本,不过去年微软为Series S推出了黑色版本,这使得玩家对白色版本的Series X呼声不断。近日Game4index在推特上曝光了白色数字版Xbox Series X的谍照,并且透露了相关情报。按照消息人士的说法,该...
此外在 Reddit 上,网友 darth_antonio 于英国伦敦的 EGX 电玩展上发现了 Xbox Series X 的 XDK 开发主机,外型上与上一代 Xbox One 的开发主机非常相似,只是 Xbox One 开发主机的外壳颜色为黑白拼接,而 Xbox Series X 的则为全黑色。不过根据该篇文章的网友回应,会场上的开发主机是对应现任的 Xbox Series ...
3.Xbox Series X主机正式商标曝光 设计理念简洁直白 距离次世代主机上市的日子越来越近了,微软也在为Xbox Series X进行更多准备。近日有Reddit网友发现,微软向美国专利商标局提交了Xbox Series X的正式商标,可以看到上面有标志性的“X”和“Series”字样,非常简洁直白。未来我们有可能在主机包装和一些宣传物料上就能看到...
Xbox Series X Controller Support Coming to Apple Devices Friday November 20, 2020 6:46 am PST byHartley Charlton Apple and Microsoft are working on adding support for the Xbox Series X controller to Apple devices, according to an Apple Support page spotted by a Reddit user. The support page...
1. Changing your gamertag on your Xbox Series X/S On the homepage of your Series X/S, navigate to thetop-left cornerwhere yourgamerpicappears. Use thejoysticksand pressA, or simply press the Xbox logo on your controller to open the menu and proceed. ...
Reddit用户“Zantorn”今日爆料称,Xbox新一期直面会或将在1月15日至 21日期间某天举行。去年微软在1月25日举办了直面会,今年的预测时间与去年大致接近。 此前这位爆料者曾预测任天堂将在6月18日当周和9月10日当周举行发布会,实际上任天堂确实在6月21日和9月14日举办了发布会,因此这份预测有一定的可信度,也...
We’re excited to invite all Xbox Insiders on Xbox Series X|S to sign up early for theThrone and Liberty– Confidential Closed Beta starting onApril 10 at 1PM PT. Limited space is available so join now to secure your spot for the playtest!
Xbox Cloud Gaming launched on Xbox One S-based blade servers but has since been upgraded to Xbox Series X-based servers. This means you’re getting the same great performance as the latest-and-greatest home console from Microsoft, plus a few special additions for cloud gaming. ...
Note: This playtest has limited capacity and is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Open theXbox Insider Hubon your Xbox Series X|S or Windows PC. Navigate toPreviews>Stampede: Racing Royale SelectJoin. Wait for registration to complete, and you should be directed to the correct ...