Forget everything you know about drifting. Set in a 90's retro future, Inertial Drift is an Arcade Racer with a devastatingly unique handling model and unbelievably satisfying twin-stick drift mechanics. Inertial Drift offers a whole new level of accessi
Set in a 90's retro future, Inertial Drift is an Arcade Racer with a devastatingly unique handling model and unbelievably satisfying twin-stick drift mechanics. Inertial Drift offers a whole new level of accessibility and challenge to the arcade racing genre - for a driving experience genuinely ...
Forget everything you know about drifting. Set in a 90's retro future, Inertial Drift is an Arcade Racer with a devastatingly unique handling model and unbelievably satisfying twin-stick drift mechanics. Inertial Drift offers a whole new level of accessibility and challenge to the arcade racing ...
Series S, and X, this mod ensures your analog sticks are always responsive and accurate. With no need for USB connectivity, it's a hassle-free solution that can be applied to your controller in minutes. **Easy Installation and Use** The Analog Stick Drift Fix Mod is engineered for simpli...
xbox series 手柄用蓝牙连接时会右摇杆漂移,蓝牙连接显示是蓝牙LE XINPUT兼容的输入设备;插数据线用不会漂移,都正常。挺不理解的,有没有用xbox series 手柄的光战懂得?
Xbox Series X 海绵宝宝主题限量版套装的数量有限,想要入手的玩家需要手快。微软建议下载百思买移动应用,以便在发售时第一时间收到通知。该套装售价为 699 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 5040 元人民币),虽然比普通版贵了 200 美元,但限量外观、手柄以及额外的游戏也算物有所值。想要购买限量版海绵宝宝主题 Xbox...
近日,备受玩家瞩目的《合金装备Δ:蛇食者》终于迎来了发行日期的揭晓。科乐美公司正式宣布,这款备受期待的游戏将于2025年8月28日同时登陆PC(Steam)平台、PS5以及Xbox Series X|S平台。 除了常规的发行信息外,科乐美还为Xbox平台的玩家准备了一份特别的惊喜。据官方透露,Xbox版的《合金装备Δ:蛇食者》将包含一个独...
【分享】Xbox S..Xbox Series X手柄已经发售数月了,不过我是一直都没买,原因嘛一是非刚需,其次没有比较合眼的主题版,但最大的原因还是感觉新版的颜值倒退了,直到。。。虽说不是游戏主题,但还是很有意义的一款,量
Xbox Series X仍然是一款功能强大的游戏主机,但其独家游戏库有限,使其远不如PlayStation 5吸引人。优点 2024年硬件依然强大坚固的机箱和冷却设计支持Game Pass 缺点 缺乏引人注目的独家游戏控制器只是Xbox One的翻版 亚马逊售价460美元 你应该购买Xbox Series X吗?虽然Xbox Series X在全球范围内可能没有达到预期的...
【少走弯路】Xbox..发行版本目前没有国行(2020.12.21)欧版 到手直接用港版 需要换个电源线(某平台搜索8字线,几块钱一条)日版 (目前 搜索不到Wifi 5g频段,需要更改路由信道。部分玩家会有手柄断连现象)楼