一位Reddit用户(L3Jane)声称,她收到的是本世代的Xbox One X,而不是她实际订购的Xbox Series X。 毫无疑问,关于Xbox One X和XboxSeries X的命名规则有些混乱,该用户在Xbox Series X的官方论坛上表示,这一混淆不是她造成的。“我检查了三遍订单,确定是Series X,澳洲地区,通过Telstra购买。”还有用户表示:“我...
此外在 Reddit 上,网友 darth_antonio 于英国伦敦的 EGX 电玩展上发现了 Xbox Series X 的 XDK 开发主机,外型上与上一代 Xbox One 的开发主机非常相似,只是 Xbox One 开发主机的外壳颜色为黑白拼接,而 Xbox Series X 的则为全黑色。不过根据该篇文章的网友回应,会场上的开发主机是对应现任的 Xbox Series ...
Major Nelson通过Reddit回复了该问题,表示Xbox One为了更好的语音通话质量,采用了CODEC方案,这可能会有一些兼容性问题。他表示新的CODEC方案将会带给用户之间更好的通话质量,但是这可能意味着Xbox One和Xbox360用户之间无法正常通过语音直接交流。而后有用户问及Major Nelson为何不用自己办公室里的Xbox360和XboxOne主机...
3.Xbox Series X主机正式商标曝光 设计理念简洁直白 距离次世代主机上市的日子越来越近了,微软也在为Xbox Series X进行更多准备。近日有Reddit网友发现,微软向美国专利商标局提交了Xbox Series X的正式商标,可以看到上面有标志性的“X”和“Series”字样,非常简洁直白。未来我们有可能在主机包装和一些宣传物料上就能看到...
Apple and Microsoft are working on adding support for the Xbox Series X controller to Apple devices, according to an Apple Support page spotted by a Reddit user. The support page states that Apple devices only support the Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth, Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Seri...
Xbox Cloud Gaming launched on Xbox One S-based blade servers but has since been upgraded to Xbox Series X-based servers. This means you’re getting the same great performance as the latest-and-greatest home console from Microsoft, plus a few special additions for cloud gaming. ...
1. Changing your gamertag on your Xbox Series X/S On the homepage of your Series X/S, navigate to thetop-left cornerwhere yourgamerpicappears. Use thejoysticksand pressA, or simply press the Xbox logo on your controller to open the menu and proceed. ...
Xbox has just added a new dynamic background to the Series X & S, this one featuring the iconic 360 blades design dynamic background It is a more minimalist design than most dynamic backgrounds, with the moving parts being the two circles of lighter green that are a part of the main cen...
Reddit用户“Zantorn”今日爆料称,Xbox新一期直面会或将在1月15日至 21日期间某天举行。去年微软在1月25日举办了直面会,今年的预测时间与去年大致接近。 此前这位爆料者曾预测任天堂将在6月18日当周和9月10日当周举行发布会,实际上任天堂确实在6月21日和9月14日举办了发布会,因此这份预测有一定的可信度,也...
About the same price Disney just paid for Fox. Crazy. Prev 1 … 39 40 41 42 43 … 51 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit WhatsApp Email Link TRENDING THREADS Discussion Zen 5 Speculation (EPYC Turin and Strix Point/Granite Ridge ...