2023年7月,一位据称是维塔士前员工的Reddit用户称该工作室正在重制《上古卷轴4》。同年晚些时候,一份泄露的法庭文件披露了Bet 2025-01-10 08:02:27 0 调查发现Xbox Series在美国同一时期销量不及Xbox One 据Circana报道,Xbox Series X|S在美国的销量比同时期的Xbox One落后了10%。相比来说,PS5在美国的...
此外在 Reddit 上,网友 darth_antonio 于英国伦敦的 EGX 电玩展上发现了 Xbox Series X 的 XDK 开发主机,外型上与上一代 Xbox One 的开发主机非常相似,只是 Xbox One 开发主机的外壳颜色为黑白拼接,而 Xbox Series X 的则为全黑色。不过根据该篇文章的网友回应,会场上的开发主机是对应现任的 Xbox Series ...
Major Nelson通过Reddit回复了该问题,表示Xbox One为了更好的语音通话质量,采用了CODEC方案,这可能会有一些兼容性问题。他表示新的CODEC方案将会带给用户之间更好的通话质量,但是这可能意味着Xbox One和Xbox360用户之间无法正常通过语音直接交流。而后有用户问及Major Nelson为何不用自己办公室里的Xbox360和XboxOne主机...
3.Xbox Series X主机正式商标曝光 设计理念简洁直白 距离次世代主机上市的日子越来越近了,微软也在为Xbox Series X进行更多准备。近日有Reddit网友发现,微软向美国专利商标局提交了Xbox Series X的正式商标,可以看到上面有标志性的“X”和“Series”字样,非常简洁直白。未来我们有可能在主机包装和一些宣传物料上就能看到...
If you’re an Xbox Insider looking for support, please visit thecommunity subreddit. Official Xbox staff, moderators, and fellow Xbox Insiders are there to help with your concerns. When posting to the subreddit, please look through the most recent posts to see if your issue has already been...
Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit WhatsApp Email Link TRENDING THREADS Discussion Zen 5 Speculation (EPYC Turin and Strix Point/Granite Ridge - Ryzen 9000) Started by DisEnchantment Sep 29, 2022 Replies: 23K CPUs and Overclocking T Discussion Intel Meteor, Arrow, Lunar & Panther Lak...
名为/ u / cvfunstuff的老鹰眼Redditor指出,Xbox Series X控制器兼容性刚刚出现在官方的Apple支持页面上。问题页面概述了如何将无线游戏控制器连接到您的Apple设备,尽管“查看支持哪些无线控制器”标题下未列出Xbox Series X控制器。/ u / cvfunstuff引起注意的是列表下方的简短内容:&ldquo...
Apple and Microsoft are working on adding support for the Xbox Series X controller to Apple devices, according to an Apple Support page spotted by a Reddit user. The support page states that Apple devices only support the Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth, Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Seri...
Same issue found in reddit thread :https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/comments/131r26i/xbox_series_x_keeps_crashing/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02sKeMG_yrA kudo count Reply skygate121 to WHENKEL2 years ago Yep having the same issue as shown in my youtube vide...
I have posted this problem on reddit also and there was a post that a person said their xbox one controller is working with M1 macbook pro. I asked them what MacOS and arcade game. I will post again when they respond, good or bad... Reply User profile for user: declue declue Aut...