外国游戏媒体基于这段12分钟的Demo,详细对比了Xbox Series X和一台运行锐龙93900X+RTX 2080 Ti的PC。 从PC平台的Benchmark基准成绩来看,4K全高特效,平均63FPS,和Xbox Series X处在同一水准,甚至Xbox Series X在局部光照、积云等效果上,比PC还好好些。想想看,单锐龙9 3900X+RTX 2080 Ti这两大件,1万块人民币...
当然外观上和黑色的Xbox Series X没有什么区别,不过因为没有了光驱,微软在散热部分会有加强,同时也会降低机型价格。预计这个新的机型会在第二季度后上市,价格会比带光驱的版本便宜50美元至100美元。不过这个新造型的主机,和微软最近被透露的下一代硬件计划没有必然联系,所以我们不知道微软加强版的Xbox会不会在...
Between the regular PlayStation 5, PS5 Pro, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S, buying a current-gen console is not as simple as it once was. However, you do need to make the right choice if you want to play the best PS5 games or best Xbox Series games, which is the most important...
New Xbox Series X|S Storage options, the latest Xbox news and more Podcast Episode 2023 46m YOUR RATING RateAdd a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit ...
New Xbox Series X games will start arriving thick and fast once over the next few months, with new exclusives launching onMicrosoft's most powerful consoles. There's certainly a lot to look forward to for Xbox fans. FromStalker 2toIndiana Jones and the Great Circle,Xbox Series XandXbox Seri...
虽然Xbox Series X在全球范围内可能没有达到预期的销售热潮,但它依然是一个强大的游戏平台,尤其适合那些对微软游戏生态情有独钟的玩家。京东在售Xbox Series X亮点:性能强劲:搭载AMD Zen 2 CPU和RDNA 2 GPU,Xbox Series X在2024年依然是一款性能出色的游戏主机。散热优秀:微软在这款主机的设计上下足了功夫,...
实际上微软是打算在明年发布两款新机的,包括2024年9月推出的更新版Xbox Series S,以及将于2024 年11月推出的重新设计的Xbox Series X。新的 Xbox Series X将设计为圆柱形,它将省略当前 Xbox Series X中的蓝光光驱,成为纯数字设备。全数字化的Xbox Series X配备2TB 存储、USB-C 前端口、WiFi 6E 和蓝牙 5...
Not only is Asobo's sim incredibly in-depth and realistic, it's wisely added in optional, more accessible controls for Xbox fans who just want to fly over their house. Microsoft Flight Sim is a stunning advert for the power of Xbox Series X, no doubt. Yet it's greatest achievement is...
One of thebest Xbox RPG gamesof 2023, Starfield puts your created character into the care of the planetary exploration group, Constellation, as you seek to solve the mystery of an artifact you initially come into possession of. Starfield - Xbox Series X ...