《微软模拟飞行2024》将于11月19日登陆PC和Xbox Series X|S,并将首日加入Xbox Game Pass。Xbox Games Showcase 2024游戏发布会首次公开《完美女煞星》(Perfect Dark)的游戏玩法,这是Initiative旗下备受期待的特工系列游戏重启之作,以Joanna Dark为主角。在不久的未来,地球遭受了一系列全球性的灾难袭击,使世界...
We can’t have the best Xbox Series X games list without Halo, can we? Halo Infinite is the latest game in the historic FPS series, and while it has drawn fair criticism, it’s still incredible to play. Multiplayer boasts slick and fast-paced action, Infinite’s campaign is one of the...
2022年12月值得期待的新游介绍 (PS5, Xbox Series X | S, Switch, PC)|GamingBolt|机翻中字 577 5 9:47 App 【游戏杂谈】玛利欧赛车10终于要来了!?2022任天堂直面会期待游戏!上半年任天堂直面会前瞻! 197 -- 11:12 App 【游戏杂谈】Switch 年度数位游戏销售前10名!2022年上半年、2021整年度!这一年半...
The Xbox Series X and S had no small task in trying to compete with the best PS5 games and the best Switch games at the same time. While it did get off to a slow start for the generation, its library has exploded with games thanks to all of the studios under its umbrella. There’...
Xbox Series X/S上已经公布了许多令人兴奋的项目,但其中一些项目本身的信息却很少。《心灵杀手2》、《上古卷轴6》、《王国之心4》和《星球大战绝地求生》都是备受期待的游戏,但要成为现实还有很长的路要走,这些项目只是冰山一角。2023年1月12日:断路器系列(XBX/S, XBO)2023年1月13日:《龙珠Z:卡卡罗》(...
The Xbox Series X number of exclusives isn't huge, but these are the best games you can play on Microsoft's high-end console right now.
在昨天晚上十一点开始的 Inside Xbox 特别披露会上,微软公布了一大批将登陆 Xbox Series X 的第三方游戏,其中包括了国产游戏《光明记忆:无限》、此前已经曝光的《刺客信条:英灵殿》、新世代心理恐怖游戏《The Medium》等等。 ▎《光明记忆:无限》 这款结合了第一人称射击和动作元素的国产游戏是飞燕群岛工作室的最新...
探索Xbox Series X|S 及 Xbox One 上的眾多免費暢玩遊戲。陶醉在 Xbox 主機或電腦上的精彩吸引的遊戲體驗。
Elden Ring, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance, and many more games are must-plays on Xbox Series X.
One of the first games we ever saw shown for the Xbox Series X wasHellblade 2.While it took several years for it to actually come out, the one thing everyone can agree on is that it wasn’t lying about how far it could push graphics. Gameplay-wise, this is more of an experience an...