為符合現今好競爭的玩家需求而設計,Xbox Elite 無線控制器 Series 2 具備超過 30 種新方式,可讓你像高手般玩遊戲。利用全新、可調整張力的搖桿提升瞄準度、透過較短的高感應發射鍵鎖,更快速地射擊,並且藉由環繞式橡膠握柄,保持穩定。 動畫顯示 Xbox 配件應用程式中的按鈕對應選項。
Learn about different Xbox Elite Series 2 controllers. Find an Xbox Elite controller that matches your style and is compatible with your console or gaming PC.
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Model Number Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 Core White Compatible Microsoft Model Xbox One,xbox,Xbox One S,Xbox One X,XBOX SERIES X,Xbox Series S Compatible Brand/Model MicrosoftView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Compatible Platform: xbox Trigger Button Type: Hall-Linear Compati...
Experience the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 – Core, featuring adjustable-tension thumbsticks and shorter hair trigger locks, plus limitless ...More €129.99 incl. VAT Pay in 3 instalments with KlarnaLearn more Choose your configuration White Blue R...
Designed to meet the needs of today’s competitive gamers, the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 – Core puts exceptional performance, customization, and durability where it matters most—in your hands. Play across devices Use Xbox Wireless, Bluetooth®, or the included USB-C cable to ...
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Experience the enhanced precision of Microsoft Elite Series 2 Wireless Controller for Xbox One in stunning black color.
Buy Microsoft Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 - Gamepad - wireless - Bluetooth - for PC, Microsoft Xbox One at Walmart.com
通过与专业级别的玩家协作设计,Xbox Elite 无线控制器系列 2 可释放你的全部潜能并适应你独特的游戏风格。 快来体验前所未有的精确度、更快的速度和专为你定制的尊贵感受吧。 注意 Elite 无线控制器系列 2 - 核心与 Elite 无线控制器系列 2 的控制器相同,但不带配件出售,这些配件可在 Xbox Elite 系列 2 - ...