Xbox app on Windows PC Discover and play games with PC Game Pass, connect with friends, and purchase PC titles. LEARN MORE Xbox Family Settings app Easily manage your children’s gaming activities, all from your phone and in real time. ...
Xbox app on Windows PC Discover and play games with PC Game Pass, connect with friends, and purchase PC titles. LEARN MORE Xbox Family Settings app Easily manage your children’s gaming activities, all from your phone and in real time. LEARN MORE *...
and text chat, even if they’re on console or PC. See notifications, achievements from you and your friends, messages, and more. Play games from your console straight to your phone over the internet. The free Xbox app is the best way to stay in the game—wherever you like to play. ...
and text chat, even if they’re on console or PC. See notifications, achievements from you and your friends, messages, and more. Play games from your console straight to your phone over the internet. The free Xbox app is the best way to stay in the game—wherever you like to play. ...
采用“水星”UI界面,基于Xbox主机、PC、移动端全平台体验整合规划的全新Xbox APP现已正式登陆iOS和安卓平台,iOS用户可以在APP Store,安卓手机和平板用户可以在Google Play下全新的Xbox APP。老用户则可以直接更新至全新版Xbox APP。 继Win10 Xbox APP和Xbox工具栏、Xbox One主机10月更新之后,移动端Xbox APP也完成了...
PC Game Pass Play hundreds of high-quality PC games with friends, including new day one titles, and get an EA Play membership. With games added all the time, you always have something new to play. Join for ₱49.00 PC Games Specials ...
IT之家了解到,新版 Xbox App 还支持从本地 Xbox 流式传输游戏,允许用户打开和关闭 Xbox 游戏主机并游玩从 Xbox 主机流式传输的游戏。 如果大家不是 Xbox Insiders 测试人员,仍可以通过网页端访问 xCloud,微软预计会在未来几个月内将 xCloud 云游戏带到所有 Windows 上的 Xbox App 中。
expand all get the xbox app on pc discover what the xbox app can do on pc sign in to the xbox app for windows manage your xbox profile and settings manage and play games from the xbox app for windows expand all install pc games from the xbox app configure xbox games that you'...
龍羴 战地英雄 7 还有一种就是pc自带的XBOX 软件也可以串流实测可以远程直接串流画质比安卓app稍微好一点(可能是电脑屏幕大的原因)还有个优点 就是pc串流竟然支持震动(不错)不过震感嘛 非常差不过坐在电脑面前几乎就没有串流的必要了 4楼2023-12-01 21:09 回复 ...
视频中用到的所有app链接:这期视频会从零开始详细的教大家如何使用安卓设备来实现对PC、PS5、XBOX Series S/X平台的最佳串流!视频会聊到的安卓/PC端App包括:Moonlight、Sunshine、Steam Link、PS Remote Play、