To do so, select one of the other aliases that are on the account, and then select Make primary. You’ll use this new primary alias to send and receive emails, access your Microsoft account information, and appear on devices. To remove the email address or phone number that you ...
我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明第三方 Cookie ...
Xbox requires that you have two security contact options on your account, and at least one must be a phone number or an email address. We recommend one phone and one email contact to provide the best security options for your account. By having two options, you're more likely to have ac...
If you are a passionate gamer, getting banned from your Xbox One account can be a frustrating experience. This can happen for multiple reasons, and if you believe there is some foul play, you shouldfile an appeal. If you don’t know how to go about it,DoNotPayis here to help. Our ...
below. If you are not automatically signed in you will see Sign in |Sign up in the top corner. Click Sign in and enter your Microsoft Account credentials. If you don’t already have a Microsoft Account click Sign up to create one. You must have a Microsoft Account to regis...
Madden NFL 25 Xbox One Madden NFL 25 Xbox Series X|S Far Cry® New Dawn Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward VectorNEW Stream your own game Stream select cloud playable games* that you own or buy (requires Game Pass Ultimate to stream with cloud gaming, and a supported device). Stream directl...
The features are now live, and gamers now can get help with remembering their Microsoft account, updating recovery options, and recovering an account right from their Xbox One system. With the new changes, if a gamer happens to forget their Microsoft Account information, they can press on “...
Inspired by taking one more turn Whether you choose to follow a path rooted in history or reimagine possibilities to chart your own way forward, build something you believe in with these designs inspired by Sid Meier's Civilization® VII ...
This can be a bit bulky depending on your device, but in our experience, it’s much more comfortable than holding a controller with a clip. However, it’s also much more expensive and doesn’t have a headphone jack, so if your phone doesn’t have one (and few do these days), you...
你可以在 Xbox One 主机上购买。(你所在的地区不支持通过 购买。) Kids' Jigsaw Planet for PC & XBOX 概述 系统要求 ¥49.00 购买 可用于 HoloLens 电脑 移动设备 Surface Hub 功能 单个玩家 Xbox 状态 Xbox 俱乐部 4K Ultra HD 描述 🌟🧩 儿童拼图星球 🌍✨ - 智慧游戏,聪...