(看来用赞结尾是不可能的→)欧州媒体(通过Twitter)爆出本时世代Play Station 4系列主机不支持Play Station 5的游戏(对面,Xbox One系列主机是能玩Xbox One Next Gen运行的游戏:微软以后的主机游戏都是跨世代登录、运行)。另外,“数毛社”(Digital Foundry)称源自AMD(超威半导体)的消息,Play Station 5开发机有Gen 0...
Discover the fastest, most powerful Xbox ever with the Xbox Series X. Enjoy 4K gaming at up to 120 frames per second on this next generation video game console.
*Framerates vary by game. Montage of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on a TV next to the Xbox Series X and the white Series S Discover your next favourite game Get the most out of your next-gen Xbox console and play new games on day one. Plus, enjoy hundreds of high-quality games with...
我很早就注意到,微软在提到Xbox和RDNA的时候,从来没有单独使用过RDNA,而是每次都强调“next generation RDNA”。此外光线追踪的能力,在AMD的说法里也只有RDNA2才有。 早在2018年,AMD的一些官方PPT就在用NEXT-GEN指代RDNA 2。微软强调了带光线追踪的下一代RDNA,那么很有可能是RDNA2架构并由7nm+工艺生产,或是采用...
导语:此文由 @叉小包 独家编译自 Windows Central,汇总了六位业内开发者对微软次世代主机 Xbox Series X 的感想。题图来自微软 GDC 2020 直播截图,士官长 Coser 与 XSX 真机比例。 原文:Xbox Series X: What do game developers say about next-gen? We asked several for their thoughts. ...
Kevin Bachus表示Konami是最初泄漏XBOX项目存在的源头:“Konami告知Next Gen我们要进入游戏主机领域,这导致消息的泄漏和蔓延,而几年之后我们才发现。” 那个时候Fries首次接管微软的游戏部门,一些微软真正的“玩家”游戏就是在此时诞生的,这其中就包括Ensemble初代的《帝国时代》,游戏在1997年发行。 Fries表示:“我认为这...
Xbox is here! With Xbox All Access and Verizon, you get a next-gen Xbox console and hundreds of games, including day one releases with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
借助云端技术,老主机焕发新机 Xbox 在主题演讲结束后,官方发布了一份新闻稿,内容梗要是对新游戏的总结,其中有一行字写到:For the milloons of people who play on Xbox One consoles today, we are looking forward to sharing more about how we will bring many of these next-gen games, such as ...
xbox next将..xbox next将比ps5有1/3性能优势没有具体参数,但此文被一些渠道验证真实I´m multimedia artist working as a freelancer.Since two mont
For the milloons of people who play on Xbox One consoles today, we are looking forward to sharing more about how we will bring many of these next-gen games, such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, to your console through Xbox Cloud Gaming, just like we do with mobile devices, tablets, and ...