post hoc ergo propter hoc谬误,事件的先后性不代表因果关系。这个和upnp没有关系,Xbox Live core ser...
第一步:开启光猫Upnp功能第二步:路由器设置静态ip,光猫DMZ设置成路由器第三步:光猫中设置虚拟服务器(开放端口) 6楼2018-08-26 00:04 回复 MGC_POP 隼龙 12 (本文下面教程主要针对电信最新的sdn网关设备,理论上旧的光猫设备,可以通过致电10000号索取电信管理员超级密码telecomadmin,然后参考下面教程设定也能...
xbox live 连不上 upnp未成功 用的校园网wif 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_Q65RV11 叉烧军团 2 xbox live 连不上 upnp未成功 用的校园网wifi求大佬帮忙 送TA礼物 回复 来自Android客户端1楼2019-04-26 19:22 DELTA980613 致远战士 12 我也用校园网wifi,偶尔断线而已 回复 来自Android客户端2楼2019-...
These may include notifications such as NAT Type: Strict, UPnP not successful, or Double NAT detected. To troubleshoot these types of errors, go to: Troubleshoot NAT errors and multiplayer game issues If your console can’t see your wireless network, first check to see if...
You need your NAT type to be Open to resolve this issue. You also want to be sure there are no errors such as Double NAT detected or UPnP not successful displayed. Important As you troubleshoot NAT, it’s important that you follow the recommended steps in the order given. Do not skip...
如果你使用Xbox Live上的语音聊天功能,还需要设置以下端口: TCP 3074、UDP 3074、TCP 500、UDP 4500、UDP 3544 第三步:启用UPnP(可选) UPnP(通用即插即用)可以自动在路由器上打开端口,从而免去手动端口转发的麻烦。 许多路由器都有UPnP功能,你可以在路由器设置页面的“高级设置”或“安全性”选项中找到并启用它...
If successful, adjust your settings up bit by bit until you find a level that will allow you to connect to Xbox Live and still secure your network. Solution 9:Turn on UPnP to refresh your NAT table UPnP is a standard that helps routers communicate effectively. If your router or gateway ...
uShareallows a Linux PC to share its files with any other device using UPnP. Installation of uShare There are several ways of installing uShare. From the Ubuntu repositories uShare is available from the Ubuntu repositories, so you can simplyinstall it from there. After the successful installati...
If you don’t get a NAT error, it means that UPnP was not working correctly. The solution you put in place allows your Xbox 360 to bypass the router’s firewall and NAT table in order to successfully talk to the ports needed by Xbox Live. ...