Xbox status Help topics Account & profile Subscriptions & billing Hardware & networking Family & online safety Games & apps Friends & social activity Cloud gaming More Accessible gaming System updates All Microsoft Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support Software Wi...
Xbox status Help topics Account & profile Subscriptions & billing Hardware & networking Family & online safety Games & apps Friends & social activity Cloud gaming More Accessible gaming System updates All Microsoft Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support Software Wi...
IT之家1月31日消息 在北京时间今天凌晨,微软Xbox Live游戏服务出现大规模的网络中断故障,Xbox One出现严重的黑屏现象,微软表示已经知晓Xbox One黑屏问题,正在努力回滚服务以恢复正常。截至到发稿时,根据Xbox Live Status页面,该服务现在已经恢复正常。 来自世界各地的报道显示,今天凌晨时段,Xbox Live服务表现不佳,导致Xb...
public XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus Status { get; } 屬性值 XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus 包含此私人承載擷取的度量狀態。 適用於 產品版本 WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Bui...
Microsoft 游戏 产品系列 社区 支持 我的Xbox 所有Microsoft 登录 主机 游戏 配件 登录 浏览 Xbox 游戏 Xbox 配件 资源 Xbox 支持 反馈 社区标准 光敏性发作警告 Microsoft Store Microsoft 帐户 Microsoft Store 支持 返回 订单跟踪 中文...
Real-time problems and status for Xbox Live. Can't log in or play online games? Here you see what is going on.
>Storage>All devices>Gamer profiles. Select your Gamer profile >Move, then select the plugged in USB drive. Once done, remove the USB flash from your console, then clear the system cache and restart your Xbox console afterwards. Finally, insert the USB drive and redownload your Xbox Live ...
Historically, claims from Xbox 360 provided information about the subscription tier of the user (such as Xbox Live Gold status). This claim was deprecated with the introduction of the Xbox One family and later. Ensure that you're making your decisions by using privileges. Th...
If your computer is running an operating system other than Apple OSX or Microsoft Windows, contact your computer manufacturer to find out how to obtain the MAC address. Method 2: Turn the modem off and on After you perform MAC Address spoofing, t...