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Amongst the top 40 Xbox games, Split Fiction's debut has been a huge success. Coming from the developer of the co-op title It Takes Two, is it any surprise? Posted 3 days ago by Kes Eylers-Stephenson20 Update Control's PlayStation-exclusive mission finally coming to Xbox ...
前Playstation高管Shawn Layden在最近接受GamesIndustry采访时,质疑了Xbox Game Pass商业模式的长期前景。在昨日(7月27日)发布的重点介绍了他最近被任命为Steamlin Media Group的顾问委员会成员的采访中,Layden对XGP模式的可持续性以及其扩展游戏主机市场的潜力表示怀疑。他说道:“很难通过每月收取9.99美元订阅费用来维持...
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Riot Games的战术射击游戏《瓦罗兰特》正式在主机上首次亮相。Xbox和PlayStation玩家现在可以沉浸在《瓦罗兰特》的快节奏、竞争激烈的世界中,因为这款游戏已经在两个平台上进行了公开测试。 这标志着《瓦罗兰特》的一个重要里程碑,自2020年发布以来,该游戏在PC上获得了大量粉丝。另一方面,在主机平台上,游戏的有限测试于...
在5.03更新中,Riot Games在游戏文件中添加了PlayStation和Xbox控件的新图标。 自2020年以来,由于混合了枪战和角色技能,《VALORANT》一直被拿来与《反恐精英》和《守望先锋》等FPS游戏进行比较。 虽然《反恐精英》也是一款严格意义上的pc游戏,但《守望先锋》却一直支持多个平台。《守望先锋》作为一款FPS游戏在Xbox等平台...
XBOXONE-HQ provides the latest Xbox news & rumors, upcoming xbox games, release dates and detailed information for Xbox One, Xbox Series and Windows PC. The site offers upcoming Xbox games, release dates, achievements, videos, screenshots, gameplay, top
gamigo 宣布,从 北京时间12 月 12 日晚上7点到 12 月 26 日晚上7点,宝藏世界玩家现在可以在所有平台上分享2023 年“冰雪庆典”的奇妙。作为节日的另一项福利,Xbox 和 PlayStation 游戏玩家将从 12 月 12 日起在主机上享受《头衔的烦恼》和《拳击与药剂》的更新。
This is the full list of games currently available in Xbox Game Pass, including completion time estimates and our star ratings.
almost all games and game engines are still designed to be playable off hard drives because current consoles and many low-end PCs lack SSDs. Game programmers cannot take full advantage of NVMe SSD performance without making their games unplayably slow on hard drives. Second, SATA SSDs are al...