Xbox 要求 (XR) 包含所有 Xbox 主机游戏开发者和发布者必须遵循的策略、技术要求、产品组件相关的要求。 XR 旨在确保针对 Xbox 主机创建的产品不仅稳定可靠,而且还可以提供一致、安全、令人放心和愉快的用户体验。除非特别说明,否则所有 Xbox 要求均适用于 Xbox One 和 Xbox Series X|S 主机世代。此页面定义...
接受拒绝管理 Cookie 新品 提升你的游戏表现 Xbox 无线控制器 - 炽动秘语特别版 了解更多 主机 游戏 配件 登录 中文(中国) 你的隐私选择消费者健康隐私 与Microsoft 联系 隐私 管理Cookie 使用条款 商标 第三方通知 关于我们的广告 京ICP备09042378号-6 ...
What's New in the Microsoft Game Development Kit Release Notes for the Microsoft Game Development Kit Welcome to the Microsoft Game Development Kit Get started with the Microsoft Game Development Kit Overviews and how-tos Development and tools Testing and automation Release requirements Policies and X...
✅ What are XBox Game Bar to met requirements for Windows 11:I’m planning to get a Windows 11 laptop, but idk what are hardware specs to meet requirements for performance graphics gaming like Dead Rising 3,...
What's New in the Microsoft Game Development Kit Release Notes for the Microsoft Game Development Kit Welcome to the Microsoft Game Development Kit Get started with the Microsoft Game Development Kit Overviews and how-tos Development and tools Testing and automation Release requirements Policies and X...
Implementation Requirements Expand table ActivityIDPrivilege NameHow to handle? Playing in a multiplayer game session 254 XPRIVILEGE_MULTIPLAYER_SESSIONS * GDK: Title invokes the system UI to alert the user of any privilege conflicts (titles must use the XUserCheckPrivilege and XUserResolvePrivilege...
Since competition is best when it’s fair, a level playing field is one of the most important requirements for gaming. When people cheat, use exploits, or otherwise tamper with hardware or software to gain a competitive advantage, it ruins the experience for everyone. Because of this, cheating...
Minimum system requirements Wi-Fi versus cellular Troubleshooting cloud gaming issues How to start a party How to quit a game Add-ons and in-game currencies while cloud gaming Playing backward compatible games from the cloud Will I lose my progress if I leave the game running and come back ...
Once you turn on your Windows device for the first time, you will see the Windows Out of Box Experience (OOBE). During the OOBE there will be a window popping up saying “You device comes with free PC Game Pass”. Click “Claim”. GAME...
Minimum system requirements WiFi versus mobile Troubleshooting cloud gaming issues How to start a party How to quit a game Add-ons and in-game currencies while cloud gaming Playing backward compatible games from the cloud Will I lose my progress if I leave the game running and come back later...