确保网络连接稳定:下载速度慢或下载无法完成可能是由于网络问题导致的,请确保您的网络连接稳定。2. 重新启动路由器:有时候网络问题可能是由于路由器故障或网络设备问题导致的,尝试重新启动路由器或开启加速器,以提高下载速度和稳定性。3. 清理存储空间:在下载游戏之前,请确保您的计算机上有足够的存储空间,以便存储游戏...
The Gaming Services app was initially spotted by a Twitter user, you can find this one as a freeapplicationunder utilities and tools. The Twitter user also stated that the Game Services app has been introduced as a part of the Game Core updates that have been scheduled forXbox Liveand UWP....
✅ Cannot install gaming services, receiving error on MS store when trying to update it. Xbox...:Hello I have spent the last 30 days trying every solution I could find on google and on this MS answers form and I am still unable to access my game...
Having an issue with the PC Gamepass launcher. It will not let me install games, saying that I have not instaled "Xbox Gaming Services" app. I've tried to repair and reset the app within the Windows settings, and I've tried to update the app through powershell and still nothing. Th...
Do you need to know what games are available on Xbox Game Pass? Check out our list of the games currently on offer for Xbox Game Pass, available across all Xbox platforms.
用于帮助开发和测试支持 Xbox 服务的游戏的工具。 配置为源工具 (XblConfig.exe) 使高级用户能够将其工具与 Xbox 配置服务集成。 Xbox 连接存储工具 (XblConnectedStorage.exe) 连接存储工具使开发人员能从游戏中下载保存数据。 全局存储工具 (GlobalStorage) ...
可以通过两种主要方式调用 Xbox 服务:使用 Xbox 服务 API (XSAPI),或者直接调用 REST 终结点。无论代码如何调用 Xbox 服务,都必须具有正确的调用模式和重试逻辑。要了解如何编写正确的重试逻辑,必须了解两类 REST 终结点 - 幂等和非幂等。下面介绍了这些终结点。非...
若要取消,請前往account.microsoft.com/services。購買附加內容、DLC、補給品、虛擬貨幣、訂閱或其他物品 (需另購) 之前的注意事項:如果您的會員資格終止或遊戲從目錄中移除,您必須重新啟用會員資格或個別購買遊戲,才能繼續使用這些物品。部分遊戲與連線主機多人遊戲需要 Game Pass Ultimate 或 Core (會員資格需另購)...
Get started with your Xbox Game Pass membership. Learn how you can play games with Xbox Game Pass across devices and take advantage of other member benefits.