步骤1:如果您在开始之前有时间将 Steam Deck 连接到鼠标和键盘,那么这会容易得多。我们建议您坐在桌面上以轻松完成此步骤。步骤2:打开 Steam Deck 后,按中央Steam按钮。菜单打开后,选择“电源”,然后选择“切换到桌面”。这将切换到桌面 Linux 模式,允许更直接地控制各种设置(您不需要将 Deck 连接到实际的...
Steam Deck掌机有望成为可玩游戏最多的平台,除了非官方的各种模拟器(从PS1到PS3等等)游戏之外, 在最新Microsoft Edge浏览器的支持下,Xbox Game Pass的服务扩展到Steam,意味着可玩大量Xbox的会员游戏。Xbox Game Pass是一项由微软推出的通过月付游玩游戏的服务,用户在每个月缴纳一定数额的金钱后,就可以游玩到Xbo...
TheSteam Deckeasily grants access to your library of Steam titles, and can handle all but the most demanding games — but sometimes that’s just not enough. Enter Xbox Game Pass, the subscription service packed with games offered by Microsoft, most of which are available to play on both Xbo...
【掌机Steam Deck现已支持Xbox Game Pass和XCloud】XCloud是微软的流媒体服务,可以让用户在智能手机和PC上游玩Xbox上的游戏。为了使XCloud在Steam Deck上运行,微软与维尔福公司合作,发布了Steam Deck兼容版Edge浏览器,用户们将可以通过兼容版Edge浏览器登录Xbox账号游玩Xbox平台上的游戏。#Steamdeck# ...
Create a Microsoft Edge shortcut in the Steam library to get Xbox Game Pass games on your Steam Deck Before we begin, connect an external keyboard and mouse to your Steam Deck using a USB-C hub. It's not necessary, but it will make the process a bit easier. Once that's done, follo...
We have everything you need to know about Xbox Game Pass, as well as deals and some of best games to play.
Steam Deck: How To Install Xbox Game Pass Step 1: Select the Steam menu, thenPower,thenSwitch to Desktop Step 2: Select theDiscover Software Centericon Step 3: Click on the hamburger icon, thenInternet, thenWeb Browsers Step 4: Continue scrolling to reach theMicrosoft Edge Betaand click ins...
血的教训,请大家慎用..之前试用了xbox game pass,不知道它会自动续费。更过分的是,在今年四月本人不知情的情况下,自动升级为了ultimate版本!!!我之前根本没关注过,直接扣了我五个月的终极版的钱!!!微
Also included in the tweet is a link to a Reddit thread for specific instructions on how to get Xbox Game Pass and Cloud Gaming running on the Steam Deck — there are some caveats. Namely, it all works through the Microsoft Edge browser beta on the device. If you’re willing to jump ...
Xbox云游戏现在可以支持Steam Deck了 Valve's Steam Deck is a small, powerfulportablegaming device intended to let gamers play their Steam games wherever they want. Thanks to Xbox Cloud Gaming, owners of the console can now access the Xbox Game Pass catalog using the Microsoft Edge browser. ...