• Wear your team's colors and apparel with pride, and receive exclusive team gear • Your Rep points go towards your team's total Rep, and exclusive prizes are awarded to the top team • Gain access to your team's exclusive channel on the Descenders Discord serverShow more Published...
XBOX GAME PASS Be the first to play new games on day one. Plus, enjoy hundreds of high-quality games with friends on console, PC, and cloud. With games added all the time, there’s always something new to play. JOIN NOW
早在今年 2 月,微软就宣布将向 PC 用户提供 Xbox 游戏中心(game hubs),并将通过本次更新面向所有 Xbox 用户开放。本次更新之后,微软还在 PC 版 Xbox 应用的 Game Pass 标签下“发生了什么”板块推出了一个新的子菜单。IT之家汇总 Xbox 主机更新内容如下:如果您正在使用 Xbox 上的 Discord Voice 语音聊...
本次更新之后,微软还在 PC 版 Xbox 应用的 Game Pass 标签下“发生了什么”板块推出了一个新的子菜单。IT之家汇总 Xbox 主机更新内容如下: 如果您正在使用 Xbox 上的 Discord Voice 语音聊天功能,现在将支持可以听到频道或通话中其他人的音效,如果您不想听到这些音效也可以静音。 当您将游戏截图上传到 OneDrive ...
最后,XGP Ultimate订阅玩家还有#独家福利#(Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks)。这个福利给的东西啥都有,什么Spotify季度订阅、Discord Nitro三个月、甚至索尼家的二刺猿服务Funimation订阅、星巴克礼品卡啥都有。除了这些之外剩下的就是游戏的免费DLC和微交易内容了。最后的最后,是XGP还包含众多独享的#Microsoft Rewards#...
1.Discord语音音效设定 在您的主机上使用 Discord?您现在可以听到呼叫或语音通道中其他人的语音音频效果。如果您发现它们分散了您的注意力,您可以在 Discord 选项中将它们静音。为此,请按Xbox按钮打开指南,然后选择聚会和聊天> Discord >选项>静音音效。如果您处于现场语音频道,只需打开指南并选择“选项” ,然后从菜单...
3 Months of Discord Nitro – Available Now Enjoy 3 free months of an enhanced Discord experience with perks like custom emoji usage, repping a profile banner, per server avatars, 2 Server Boosts a month, bigger upload sizes, and HD video. ...
If you’re using Discord Voice on your console, you’ll now be able to hear soundboard audio from others in the channel or call. If you don’t want to hear these sounds, a mute button for soundboard audio can be found in the Discord Voice options: Open the guide and go toOptions>Mu...
简化字:名曰打酱油 Português (BR):littl3viking Español Latino:CRIDVON Polski:glaxxboxx WARNING: We suggest you to not use a VPN at the moment because some people from our Discord were currently banned indefinitely for using VPN. This DLCisgiftable ...
刷新价格 Coldplay Song Pack 描述 Play "The Scientist", "Yellow", "Fix You", "Viva La Vida", "Clocks" and "In My Place" by Coldplay on any electric guitar. Bass included. Each song includes a new Authentic Tone. NOTE: Rocksmith® 2014 game disc is required for play. Music credits ...