接受拒绝管理 Cookie 新品 提升你的游戏表现 Xbox 无线控制器 - 炽动秘语特别版 了解更多 主机 游戏 配件 登录 中文(中国) 你的隐私选择消费者健康隐私 与Microsoft 联系 隐私 管理Cookie 使用条款 商标 第三方通知 关于我们的广告 京ICP备09042378号-6 ...
Rewards with Xbox are our way of, well, rewarding you for your love of gaming, and today we’re thrilled to announce new ways for players to earn points. From expanding Quests to PC Game Pass, to reimagining the Game Pass Quests you use to earn points, to weekly Rewards forallXbox pl...
gamepass里面的任务得的还是挺多的,每天打开gamepass游戏,手机登录gamepass应用之类的, 点击展开,查看完整图片 来自Android客户端4楼2021-09-13 18:42 回复 千年之狐已成妖 荣耀使命 11 这是gamepass的任务,在那个app里面还有很多其他任务,点进去再退出来就能完成的任务有不少 来自Android客户端5楼2021-09-13 ...
Les points expirent-ils ? Qu’est-il advenu de l’application Microsoft Rewards sur Xbox ? Qu’est-il advenu des récompenses Xbox Live et de MyVIP ? Qu’est-ce que le Game Pass Quests ? Dans quelles régions Rewards avec Xbox est-il disponible ?
您可以透過您的 Microsoft 帳戶,參與免費的 Microsoft Rewards 計劃,並針對您已執行的動作獲取點數,例如在 Microsoft Store 購物、在 Bing 上搜尋,以及 (針對 18 歲或以上玩家) 使用 Xbox 玩遊戲。 [Xbox 上的 Rewards] 提供更多機會供您累積點數並兌換絕佳獎勵。 您也可以透過 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate、PC Game...
Autrefois réservées aux membres Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, les Quêtes Game Pass offrent désormais la possibilité de gagner encore plus de Points Microsoft Rewards avec Xbox. À partir d’aujourd’hui, les Quêtes sont également accessibles aux abonnés PC Game Pass. Vous disposez maintenant...
such as daily searches or playing certain games. These points can then be redeemed for Xbox Gift Cards or Game Pass subscriptions. Additionally, there are other platforms like Bing Rewards or GeForce Rewards that offer similar programs where you can earn rewards that can be used towards purchasing...
Just some of the things you can redeem for Microsoft Rewards points But theMicrosoft Rewards redemption pageoffers all sorts of possibilities: Microsoft gift cards and Game Pass subscriptions, including Game Pass Ultimate; gift cards to retailers like Amazon, Target, REI, Sephora, a...
With an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game Pass, or the legacy Xbox Game Pass for Console subscription, you can also participate in Game Pass Quests to earn even more Rewards points while you play. To find out more about the Microsoft Rewards program, go to: Microsoft Rewards How to earn ...
Use Microsoft Rewards to earn points for a free Xbox Game Pass each month. Costs are lower for Level 2 members. Earn points through daily searches, activities, and gaming on Xbox to reach the required amount for a pass. Redeem the Xbox Game Pass when you have enough points, and choose ...