FINAL FANTASY XIII 的故事結束後三年,一個名為諾艾爾的年輕男子現身,向莎拉轉述一個口信「和我一起穿梭時空,她在彼方等待。」莎拉決心拯救她唯一的姊姊,因此帶上雷光給她的武器,踏上前往未來的旅途。 【備註】 ■此版本並無修改或新增原版 FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 的劇情。 ■內含部份原作發售的可下載內容,包含...
《FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster》重現不朽經典,邀請新舊玩家一同體驗感動。 合計遊戲時間超過100小時,盡情享受兩款經典遊戲,投身史匹拉的世界冒險探索。
The original FINAL FANTASY II comes to life with completely new graphics and audio as a 2D pixel remaster!
FINAL FANTASY® XIII-2 DLC Bundle Pack SG$20.90 Noel's Outfit: Battle Attire SG$2.49 Serah's Weapon: Genji Bow SG$1.30 Serah's Weapon: Azrael SG$1.30 Opponent: Lightning & Amodar SG$2.49 Serah's Weapon: Seraphic Wing SG$1.30SG$1.80 Serah's Outfit: Summoner's Garb SG$2.49 Noel's ...
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2, the sequel to the smash hit FINAL FANTASY XIII, comes to Windows! Enjoy the epic and sweeping story, meet new characters, and test yourself with a new, enhanced battle system. It is no longer about facing destiny. Create a new fu
” Determined to save her one and only sister, Serah clutches the weapon bestowed upon her by Lightning and sets forth into the future. 【Notes】 ■This version of the game has had no changes or additions made to the story of the original FINAL FANTASY XIII-2. ■Contains some download...
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