根據您的系統而定,此程式可能無法正確安裝。 如遇上述情形,請透過以下連結下載並安裝程式。 https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=8109 如果您無法存取以上連結,請聯絡 Microsoft Store 支援服務。 FINAL FANTASY XIII 正式登陸 Windows 10! 本作擁有精彩的操作、優美的意境、視覺和聽覺的饗宴...
id=8109 If you are unable to access the above URL, please contact the Microsoft Store support. Final Fantasy XIII has now arrived on Windows 10! Featuring stunning and atmospheric gameplay, awe-inspiring visuals and sound, and a hugely expanded battle system. Combat is swift and tactical with...
※本作为以1987年发售的原版《FINAL FANTASY》为基础开发的复刻版。不包含一部分其他重制版中变更、追加的要素。显示更多 发布者 SQUARE ENIX 功能 单个玩家 60fps+ Xbox Series X|S 性能强化 Xbox 成就 Xbox 云保存 Xbox Play Anywhere 用户也喜欢 全部显示 Forspoken ¥446.00¥133.80+ -70% FINAL FANTASY...
LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII comes to Windows! LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII is the concluding chapter of the FINAL FANTASY XIII saga and series heroine Lightning's final battle. The grand finale of the trilogy brings a world reborn as well as free character customization and ...
Selling over five million copies since its release in 2000, FINAL FANTASY IX proudly returns on Xbox One and PC! Experience the adventure once again with characters and pre-rendered movies featured in high definition, as well as a new booster system w
*This game only supports Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese/Korean text One of the most highly anticipated role-playing games of all time, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 makes its debut as FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD.
We have several great games to add to your ever-growing play list, likeFinal Fantasy XIII,The Artful Escape, and more. Apologies to those who like to keep detailed lists on what to play next; it’s going to need some updating after reading this post. So, let’s get to it!
体验迷倒一代人的 6 个精彩故事。像素重制版包括全面更新的 2D 像素图形、重新编排的配乐和生活质量改进。更新的游戏玩法包括现代化的 UI、自动战斗选项以及补充附加功能,例如动物寓言、插图画廊和音乐播放器。《最终幻想 I-VI Final Fantasy I-VI 》可单独购买,也可作为捆绑包的一部分购买。
据外媒 Gematsu 消息,光荣特库摩(Koei Tecmo Games)于 8 月 4 日在日本申请了“Saiyuki”和“Journey West”两个商标,并于今天正式发布。 这两个商标让人联想到经典 SLG 游戏《西游记》(Saiyuki: Journey West),本作于 1999 年 12 月 11 日首发索尼 PS1 平台。 游戏玩法沿用了光荣自家《封神演义》的策略战...
极限脱出:九人游戏 Zero Escape: The Nonary Games 本月“Xbox终极游戏通行证补贴福利 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks”即游戏DLC、游戏内虚拟道具补贴福利包括:《MLB The Show 22: Launch Bundle》(现已可用)、《F1 2021: Deluxe Upgrade Pack》(现已可用)、《光环:无限 Halo Infinite: 2XP and Challenge Swap...