Manage your child’s gaming activities right from your phone with the Xbox Family Settings App. Foster responsible gaming choices for your child with the app.
Sign in to the Xbox Family Settings app or to your Microsoft account on your Windows to schedule time for your kids. Customise how much time is spent each day of the week and when the device can be used. The screen time countdown starts once the person is signed in and stops when sig...
家长可以设置屏幕时间限制,管理孩子在Xbox主机和Windows设备上的游戏和娱乐时间。 社交通信管理: 通过Xbox Family Settings应用,家长可以管理孩子的社交互动,包括谁可以与孩子通信、谁可以看到孩子的游戏活动等。 家长还可以控制孩子是否可以参加多人在线游戏、创建和加入俱乐部、直播游戏、添加好友和聊天等。
类型:软件 常用工具 版本:v20240130.240130.2 安卓版 大小:127.3M 更新:2024-04-01 16:27 语言:中文 等级: 平台:Android 官网: 厂商:中国微软有限公司 中文名:Xbox Familyxbox family app是一款可以直接的管理孩子们的xbox主机上的账号,可以查看他们的使用时间,同时进行限制,让家长们可以...
您可以保護您的帳戶和已安裝 Xbox Family Settings 應用程式的裝置,以防止家庭群組的成員覆蓋限制。 若要深入了解在 Xbox 主機上保護您的帳戶和權限,請前往: 管理Xbox 設定檔的 PIN 若要深入了解如何管理 Xbox Family Settings 應用程式以外的設定,請前往: 管理Xbox 線上安全和隱私權設定 ...
Xbox app on Windows PC Discover and play PC games with PC Game Pass, connect with friends, and purchase PC titles. LEARN MORE Xbox Family Settings app Easily manage your children’s console gaming activities, all from your phone and in real time. ...
Xbox app on Windows PC Discover and play PC games with PC Game Pass, connect with friends, and purchase PC titles. LEARN MORE Xbox Family Settings app Easily manage your children’s console gaming activities, all from your phone and in real time. ...
The Xbox Family Settings app provides a simple and convenient way for organizers in a family group to set members’ communication and multiplayer privacy settings from a mobile device. To learn more about the app, visit: Xbox Family Settings app For more info on how to set these online s...
Select Remove from family to confirm that you want to remove the family member. If you're over the age of majority (for example, 18 in the U.S.), you can remove yourself from your family group by using a Windows device. On the console, any other organiser in the family gro...
Create a family group to access family features and settings. It’s a free service that helps families stay connected and keeps kids safer on your Xbox consoles*and Windows**devices. CREATE A FAMILY GROUP Set good screen time habits