在Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One 和 Windows 電腦上,透過 Xbox 配件應用程式體驗 Xbox Elite 無線控制器 Series 2 – Core,其配備可調整張力的搖桿和較短的高感應發射鍵鎖,以及無限制的自訂方式。
Xbox Elite 无线控制器系列 2 专为满足如今求胜心切的玩家需求而设计,具有逾 30 种专业新玩法。全新可调节张力的操纵杆助您提高瞄准精度,较短的扳机锁定功能助您更快完成射击,环绕式橡胶手柄助您锁定目标。 Xbox Accessories 应用中按钮映射选项的动画。
在推荐购买前,先说一下XBOX Elite Wireless Controller一代的开胶问题,根据我个人对周围朋友的调查,应该是手柄批次问题。而且是在XBOX Elite Wireless Controller Series进入中囯一年多后开始突然增加的。按照使用频率计算,通常是500-800个小时后,手柄会开胶。所以如果你的一代手柄,购买晚于2017年年中的话,最好做好替换...
我们为Xbox Elite Wireless创建了一款应用程序,因此最适合那些在PC上使用Xbox Elite并希望从其中获得更多收益的用户 对于那些在PC上使用Dualshock 4的人来说,还有另一种热情 reWASD允许您将触摸板划分为多个区域并添加最多四个不同的映射 扩展了任何受支持设备的本地功能 ...
Enhance your gaming with Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2. Compatible with Xbox Series X|S & Windows PC. Explore specs and price options directly at Microsoft Store. Personalize with interchangeable components and limitless customizations through
Unlock hundreds of great games and more when you join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or PC Game Pass. Play like a pro White Experience the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 – Core, featuring adjustable-tension thumbsticks and shorter hair trigger locks, plus limitless... ...
Buy Microsoft Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 - Gamepad - wireless - Bluetooth - for PC, Microsoft Xbox One at Walmart.com
Swap removable parts on your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 Adjust the sticks on your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 Left bumper (2) and right bumper (8): These oblong-shaped controls reside on the top of the controller to the left and right of the USB charging port. The...
Unlike traditional Xbox wireless controllers, the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 (including the Core controller) has an internal rechargeable battery and doesn't require the Xbox One Play & Charge Kit or AA batteries. When the battery level is low, the battery indicator light on the fac...