為符合現今好競爭的玩家需求而設計,Xbox Elite 無線控制器 Series 2 具備超過 30 種新方式,可讓你像高手般玩遊戲。利用全新、可調整張力的搖桿提升瞄準度、透過較短的高感應發射鍵鎖,更快速地射擊,並且藉由環繞式橡膠握柄,保持穩定。 動畫顯示 Xbox 配件應用程式中的按鈕對應選項。
If you have an Xbox Elite controller, you can also use the Accessories app to configure options like trigger and analog stick sensitivity. You can save different configurations to the two profiles the controller supports. Not a controller person? Here's a round-up of the best gaming keyboards...
With the launch of the original Xbox Elite controller in 2015, we wanted to give gamers a new way to play at their full potential. We developed a premium gaming controller that offered unparalleled levels of customization to allow you to play with a specific setup that works best for you. ...
通过与专业级别的玩家协作设计,Xbox Elite 无线控制器系列 2 可释放你的全部潜能并适应你独特的游戏风格。 快来体验前所未有的精确度、更快的速度和专为你定制的尊贵感受吧。 注意 Elite 无线控制器系列 2 - 核心与 Elite 无线控制器系列 2 的控制器相同,但不带配件出售,这些配件可在 Xbox Elite 系列 2 - ...
FINDE DEINEN ELITE CONTROLLER Die Familie der Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 ist auf die Bedürfnisse der anspruchsvollen Gamer*innen von heute zugeschnitten und bietet außergewöhnliche Leistung, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit dort, wo sie am wichtigsten sind ...
Players can choose from a variety of different colors to customize nearly all the external parts of the Elite Series 2 controller including the body, back case, D-pad, bumpers, triggers, thumbsticks, and buttons. You can even choose between a cross-shaped or faceted D-pad and for the fir...
hey im still having this problem with my elite series 2 Xbox controller Reply Emmet on November 1, 2024 at 2:07 pm Editor Hi Shawn, Unfortunately, I’m unable to reproduce this. I’ve tried using a few different Xbox controllers and they all paired correctly. Have you ensured that yo...
1 答案 Wired connection not working after I reassembled the controller Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 (Model 1797) koppie007 24.7千 已答 2025年1月21日 3 问题解答论坛 Left Bumper does not function when pressed. Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 (Model 1797) ThirdDolphing...
Design your own next-gen Xbox Wireless Controller in the Xbox Design Lab. Choose from a combination of colors, patterns, textured triggers, and Share buttons.
在推荐购买前,先说一下XBOX Elite Wireless Controller一代的开胶问题,根据我个人对周围朋友的调查,应该是手柄批次问题。而且是在XBOX Elite Wireless Controller Series进入中囯一年多后开始突然增加的。按照使用频率计算,通常是500-800个小时后,手柄会开胶。所以如果你的一代手柄,购买晚于2017年年中的话,最好做好替换...