Download the Xbox app on Windows PC to play new games, see what your friends are playing, and chat with them across PC, mobile and console.
The XNA Framework Redistributable download provides game developers with the XNA Framework run-time libraries they can include with their product for redistribution on the Windows platform. 05 Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0 The XNA Framework Redistributable download provides game developers with ...
我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明第三方 Cookie ...
Take a look at whats new in the January build of Windows 10 Technical preview and how to download and install it on your PC or notebook.
确保你使用最初购买该内容时的帐户登录。出现此问题的原因可能是你使用其他帐户购买了商品。 若要确认使用当前帐户购买了内容,请执行以下操作: 检查Xbox 购买历史记录 如果帐户的购买历史记录中未列出内容,则你可能已使用其他帐户购买了商品。请尝试使用其他 Microsoft 帐户登录 Windows 设备。 某些游戏的内容就...
By using the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10, you can connect any Xbox wireless controller to your PC and play any of your favorite games on PC. Check how to connect and set up the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10, how to download Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 driver, et...
Download Xbox games and start playing them on your Xbox console or PC the moment they launch. Learn more about digital downloads Question? We’ve got answers. Get one-on-one support any time via chat or phone, or find answers fast with common FAQs Get support Score big with Micro...
You are first going to want to download the driver from Microsoft's site dealing with Xbox Controllers - - Choose your operating system, download, and install this driver. I highly recommend installing this driv...
Xenia配置要求 推荐配置:OS: Windows 10 x64操作系统 CPU: 第四代或更新的i5/i7处理器,支持AVX(2)GPU: GTX 980 Ti或更高 RAM: 6GB或更多 最低配置:OS: Windows 7以上的x64操作系统。系统版本低于Windows10会有一些功能无法使用。CPU: 64位支持AVX(2)的处理,注意奔腾和赛扬处理器不支持AVX(2),GPU: ...
Download Fortnite Game for: ✅ Playstation PS4, ✅ Xbox ONE, ✅ PC Windows 10, ✅ Mac, ✅ Linux, ✅ iPhone and ✅ Android mobile devices. Epic Games & People Can Fly companies launched this amazing multiplayer game. ⇒ Install Fortnite Ba