您的Xbox 360 无线控制器无法连接或保持与您的主机的稳定连接,并且您将收到以下错误消息: 请重新连接控制器 此外,无线控制器上的四个绿色指示灯会连续闪烁。这意味着可能遇到以下情形之一: Xbox 360 无线控制器的电池电力不足,或者 Xbox 360 充电电池组需要充电。 另一种无线设备(如微波炉、无绳手机或无线路由器...
Connect your controller to your device using a USB-C cable (or USB to micro-USB cable for Xbox One controllers). If the controller works properly with a cable connection, continue to the next step. If the controller doesn't work when connected with a USB cable, double check that the pro...
蓝牙Xbox Wir..如题,手柄是机械师的G5 PRO,蓝牙突然就显示驱动错误了,之前用的都挺好除了有时候断联没法连接,但那应该是电量不够的原因,这一次是突然驱动错误了,怎么修也修不好,最后是看的b的一个教程修好的,打开设
为什么你的手柄显示的是xboxcontroller,是因为手柄他出场默认的是xinput,这是为了方便用户的,因为大多数游戏只有xinput可以直连,索任来了都没辙而手柄协议是最没有门槛的技术,有一个映射软件就可以随便映射手柄,随便包装协议,手柄厂只要把映射写进板载可以了 来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-09-25 18:16 收起回复 ...
关于win7 xbo..马丹,弄了3.4天才好.按网上方法打了KB2685811补丁,驱动也装上了,系统补丁打了1天,按这贴(p/4309840263)的方法,没也找到Xbox one controller..最后终于在微软下个压缩包才解决了.
I have my Xbox Controller plugged into my Macbook, but my controller won't stay on (no batteries are needed for this controller, and the plug I am using works). Also in system settings when I scroll to Xbox Controllers it says no devices found. How do I fix this?
He often plays Nintendo Switch, but when I was browsing the game Hogwarts on XBOX, he got my controller and I asked him to press "Return". Because the "Return" and "Confirm" buttons are in opposite positions on the controller of these two game console . An accident happened. He wanted...
While an Xbox controller won't automatically connect to the Nintendo Switch, there have been a few solutions designed to make controllers compatible with Nintendo's console, and it even goes beyond Xbox. You can use PlayStation's DualShock 4 or DualSense controllers, too. ...