求大神!!!想问一下..系统是win7,我已近安装了所有的驱动和系统补丁,然而插上手柄电脑上还是只显示一个controller的标识,如图然后西瓜灯也不亮,如果按下西瓜灯会启动Xbox one而不是连接PC求大神!!!
I bought a new USB-A to Micro USB cable (which supports data) that works with other things on my mac but not the controller. The cable also works as expected when you use the xbox controller on a PC.I am trying to use it on a Steam Game that supports Xbox controllers. I also tri...
Does not recognize the proper button presses from an XBOX One controller connected via Bluetooth. The controller is recognized as being connected by the XBOX Accessorie...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjUuMXwyLjF...
For gamers like you who prefer using an Xbox controller than a keyboard or mouse to plays the game, it is very convenient that many PC games allow you to play games via Xbox controller with an available USB port, regardless of the version of your Windows OS. You can play games using yo...
xbox 360无线..1.安装xbox360驱动;2.在系统设备管理器里:找出带问号的无线配置器的硬件ID(存在不同的版本,因此请在“设备管理器”中检查)。3.打开Xusb21.inf(位于C:\ Program File
“Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, steering wheel, pedals, etc.) to function on your PC as an Xbox 360 controller. It allows you to remap buttons and axes and to drive cars with steering wheel and pedals or to fly
“Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, steering wheel, pedals, etc.) to function on your PC as an Xbox 360 controller. It allows you to remap buttons and axes and to drive cars with steering wheel and pedals or to fly
I am using SDL_GameControllerGetButton to get D-Pad state. On Android, it always returns 0 even when some D-Pad button is pressed, while working fine on PC. Gamepad rumble is also broken on Android but not on PC. I am using SDL 2.30.2 an...
Step 1: Using a USB cable,connect the console and controller Step 2:Sign into Xbox Live Step 3: On the controller, press the“menu”button and click“settings” Step 4: Choose the controller you are having an issue with and click“update” ...
Copy link DiztruxioncommentedSep 9, 2022 Hi, I'm attempting to get a XBox360 USB controller to pass from Windows 10 into WSL2 using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to create inputs to a Robot Operating System (ROS) simulation environment. So far I've been successful in installing all required packages...