2.蓝牙连接成功后,在控制面板-硬件和打印机下能找到xbox wireless controller,在属性-高级-测试中,所有键位均正常(新的正中间那个分享键没有反应) 来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-11-11 09:10 收起回复 不靠谱561 1L喂熊 1 3.以某哈游的游戏为例,在usb数据线连接时,在设置中可以在手柄和键盘鼠标之间切换。但是蓝...
Easy Fix for Controller Issues on M1 Macs and Big Sur :: Steam for Mac (steamcommunity.com) Controller not working for some Steam's g… - Apple Community more macos Xbox controller doesn't work with Steam - Google- Reply of 1 Xbox...
I've tried launching the game through Steam as a non-Steam game (FAILED). I've tried updating the controller firmware (FAILED). I've tried unplugging and reattaching the controller while in the main menu (FAILED). Can SOMEONE at EA PLEASE get on this? I refuse to believe that I...
I bought a new USB-A to Micro USB cable (which supports data) that works with other things on my mac but not the controller. The cable also works as expected when you use the xbox controller on a PC. I am trying to use it on a Steam Game that supports Xbox controllers. I also t...
朋友们,手柄名称不对..基友买了一个 Xbox series x 手柄,红色的,但是在 steam 上显示名称为 Xbox one Controller为什么名称不一样呢🤔
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":7170097,"subject":"Xbox controller not working","id":"message:7170097","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":23},"Conversation:conversation:7170097":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:7170097","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopic...
More remarkably, settingPrivacy = deviceinmain.confentirely prevents pairing with the controller. Did anyone else see this behavior? I tried Linux 5.12rc2, which as the L2CAP patch, along with bothdisable_ertm=YandN, but toggling it did not seem to affect any behavior. ...
随后,微软进一步丰富了定制选项,引入了Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2的定制服务,并推出了多款纪念Xbox第一方游戏及活动的特别版手柄外壳。 2024年,微软继续深化这一服务,新增了《辐射》主题外壳,以庆祝同名电视剧的热播。同时,还推出了《使命召唤:黑色行动 6》设计,以此纪念首款首发登陆Xbox Game Pass的《...
SteamController作为一个独立的驱动程序,为用户提供了灵活的操作选择,包括了Xbox 360模式和桌面模式。在Xbox 360模式下,它能够模拟游戏手柄的功能,并且提供真实的触觉反馈体验;而在桌面模式中,则可以作为鼠标和键盘的替代品,方便玩家在不同场景下的使用需求。为了帮助用户更好地理解和应用这一工具,本文将深入探讨其功能...
连上手柄,打开steam的大屏幕模式,在controller settings(控制器设置)下勾选xbox support或ps4 support,重启客户端大屏模式的图例就会变成xbox的或者ps4的。接着进在游戏开始的底下管理游戏那里选控制器设置,为for honor 单独配置控制器。在浏览配置里第一栏能看到官方的控制器配置方案,一个是正常版,一个是体感控制...