📣Xbox云游戏新功能即将推出 根据eXtas1stv的消息,Xbox云游戏将在2024年11月推出一项新功能:玩家将能够通过云端播放自己游戏库中的任何游戏。这项功能首先会在Xbox Insider中进行封闭测试,初期仅支持少部分精选游戏,但最终将扩展到“数千款游戏”。不过,并非所有发行商都同意授权其游戏进行云端串流,因此并非所有游戏都...
作为微软内部名为Lapland项目的长期项目的一部分,这家软件巨头一直在为其Xbox Cloud Gaming服务器做准备,以便能够支持数千款游戏的流媒体播放。微软将在11月首先对Xbox Insiders(Xbox用户)进行新的Xbox Cloud Gaming流媒体功能的测试,然后再将其扩展到更多的Xbox用户和更多的游戏。 Xbox Cloud Gaming的扩展与微软计划于...
We’re also making significant improvements to the overall experience: Xbox Cloud Gaming is now powered by custom Xbox Series X hardware. We’ve been upgrading Microsoft datacenters around the globe with the fastest, most powerful Xbox hardware to give you faster load times, improved frame rates,...
Xbox ha anunciado hoy en Xbox Wire que Microsoft Flight Simulator ha superado la cifra de 10 millones de jugadores en Xbox Series X|S, PC con Windows 10/11, Xbox Cloud Gaming y Steam. 1 de diciembre de 2022 Próximamente en Xbox Game Pass: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, High On...
Xbox Cloud Gaming将在11月推出游戏流媒体服务 (爱云资讯消息)微软计划下个月支持Xbox游戏库的流媒体播放。据外媒报道,微软正在准备测试一项功能,即可以流媒体播放您拥有但不属于现有Xbox Game Pass库中的游戏。 作为微软内部名为Lapland项目的长期项目的一部分,这家软件巨头一直在为其Xbox Cloud Gaming服务器做准备,...
Tres videojuegos de Call of Duty próximamente en Xbox Cloud Gaming Hoy hemos anunciado a través de Xbox Wire que los miembros de Game Pass Ultimate podrán jugar a Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III y Call of Duty: Warzone con Xbox Cloud Gaming ...
微软确认IOS端Xbox Cloud Gaming得到改进 3月14日,Xbox产品经理Nicole Hilbert在Xbox Wire确认,为了给玩家带来更高的云游戏体验,他们已经改进了IOS端Xbox Cloud Gaming的游戏性能。 3月14日,Xbox产品经理Nicole Hilbert在Xbox Wire确认,为了给玩家带来更好的云游戏体验,他们已经改进了IOS端Xbox Cloud Gaming的游戏性能...
We’ve also enabled Cloud Gaming in more places, like Mexico, Japan, Australia, and Brazil. The gaming community has been phenomenal in all these new countries, and Brazil in particular has blown away our expectations. Adoption was so overwhelming in the first couple weeks that the demand from...
Play Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on Xbox.com. Use your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership to play 100s of consoles games on PC and supported mobile devices.
Catherine Gluckstein, Vice President and Head of Product, Xbox Cloud Gaming Wow, what a week it has been celebrating the 20th anniversary of Xbox, together. And we’ve got more news to share as we take another step toward our mission of bringing gaming to more people where and when they ...