If you don't recognise a charge on your account, click here for guidance on how to investigate it. You can check your Microsoft account balance online or on your Xbox console. For info about adding or removing a payment option for your Xbox subscription, see: Update your billing ...
Your account balance will remain attached to your Microsoft account and can be used to purchase games and other items at microsoft.com or on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S consoles. For more info about gift card terms and conditions, visit: Microsoft gift card terms and conditions As...
View Your Child’s Account Balance Add Money to Your Child’s Account View Spending History Incoming requests Review and respond to requests to add console screen time or add a new friend. Friends & online interactions use the arrow keys to navigate through the pivots and tab to focus on foc...
Enjoy time played, while ensuring a healthy balance. With screen time you can manage how long your kids play games and watch shows on your Xbox consoles and Windows devices. Set device screen time limits online Sign in to the Xbox Family Settings app or to your Microsoft account on your Wi...
Dictionary of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user. UserVirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime Dictionary of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies. ItemInstance A unique instance of an item in a user's inventory. Note, to retrieve additional information ...
Vanessa Held, a lowly Soul Huntress, and her Hellhound companion, Monty, could be the ones to tip the balance of the war with their own hands. Embark on a journey in city fraught with peril, slashing, kicking and biting your way through hordes of foes, consuming their souls to unlock ...
Do not play under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and make sure your balance and physical abilities are sufficient for any movements while gaming. Take breaks periodically Stop and rest if your muscles, joints, or eyes become tired or sore. If you experience excessive fatigue, ...
number The version of the Read-Only UserData that was returned. UserVirtualCurrency object Dictionary of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user. UserVirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime Dictionary of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies.ItemInstanceA...
number The version of the Read-Only UserData that was returned. UserVirtualCurrency object Dictionary of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user. UserVirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime Dictionary of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies.ItemInstanceA...
Do not play under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and make sure your balance and physical abilities are sufficient for any movements while gaming. Take breaks periodically Stop and rest if your muscles, joints, or eyes become tired or sore. If you experience excessive fatigue, ...