奇游小课堂:PC平台..WIN10商店的游戏需要XboxApp网络检测通过才能正常进行线上模式打开win10 Xbox apps,点击左下菜单点击网络,进行检测发现Teredo不合格以及服务器连接已阻止解决办法:右键点击wi
Download the Xbox app on Windows PC to play new games, see what your friends are playing, and chat with them across PC, mobile, and console.
Download the Xbox app on Windows PC to play new games, see what your friends are playing, and chat with them across PC, mobile and console.
云游戏之后,微软推出..在13日凌晨登场的Inside Xbox直播节目当中,微软正式展示最新的云端串流技术Project xCloud。该技术让游戏能透过远端硬件串流,玩家便能够在网络速度足够的状况下,在任何地方进行游玩。
If you're having any issues with your Xbox app on PC or with launching PC games, go to: Fix gaming issues with the Xbox app for Windows Check the update's “Bug fixes” section to see if an issue you were experiencing was recently resolved. If you're still having any issues, make ...
xbox app更新..xbox app更新了……可以绑定steam了,xb和G胖的合作开始了,PC和xb以后真的是一家人了,说不定会更新对VR的支持,毕竟微软手里一堆VR AR设备……而且xbapp支持远程游戏了……有点心
If you’re having any issues with your Xbox app on PC or with launching PC games, go to: Fix gaming issues with the Xbox app for Windows Check the update’s “Bug fixes” section to see if an issue you were experiencing was recently resolved. If you’re still having any issues, make...
您可以在应用程序中浏览捕获的内容,将其复制到剪贴板以便于共享,或快速跳转到文件位置。您可以在此处了解有关游戏捕获的更多信息。 2.Xbox APP的新子导航菜单选项开始测试 我们已开始在 PC 上的 Xbox 应用程序的 Game Pass 选项卡的“发生了什么”部分下,向部分玩家和所有 Xbox Insider 预览新的子导航体验。
使用Xbox 帐户登录你喜爱的游戏,并与玩家社区保持联系。创建一个免费帐户以充分利用 Xbox,无论身在何处。
If you’re a PC games player, you can now enjoy game hubs inside the Xbox app on PC. This means you can navigate to any game in your library or in the sidebar to track your progress, discover the latest content and add-ons, connect and compete with your friends, and get the latest...