Xbox Accessories– Shop these 14 items and explore Microsoft Store for great apps, games, laptops, PCs, and other devices.
Make your gaming experience more immersive with Xbox accessories and controllers for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles, Windows and mobile gaming.
Make your gaming experience more immersive with Xbox accessories and controllers for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles, Windows, and mobile gaming.
Make your gaming experience more immersive with Xbox accessories and controllers for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles, Windows, and mobile gaming.
Good news—a number of Xbox and third-party accessories such as controllers and headsets are compatible with Xbox Series X|S. If you can’t find your accessory in this article, check the device manufacturer’s website for more info.
Instant sharing, voice chat, and customised controls—these are just a few ways accessories enhance your Xbox gaming experience. Collapse all The Xbox Wireless Headset provides cable-free, high-quality audio and chat with wireless connections to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles,...
Guitar Hero & Rock Band guitar controller, drum controller and microphone for Xbox 360 ! Controller Cable Adapter Battery Faceplate Stand Bag& shell & sleeve Headset Cooling fan Multi-in one super kit Other X-box series accessories ...
xbox手柄固件更新..仅针对主机和PC预览版推送,支持的手柄型号:1708(xboxones)、1914(xbox series s/x)、精英2,三款支持蓝牙的手柄,更新后固件版本号都是5.11.311X.0(X有所不同
更新到win10 2004版本以上就可以了,再用Xbox accessories更新一下手柄固件就可以了 来自iPhone客户端11楼2020-11-13 11:47 收起回复 荷兰弟- 初闻蒸汽 1 哎卧槽!我跟你的不一样,我在Steam上显示的是XBOX ONE手柄!然后进2K21里不识别,但是映射了,就像杂牌手柄似的!摇杆按键啥的都要重新映射。。。但是插线!
玩家的Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、以及Windows 10设备上的Xbox Accessoriesapp可以帮助玩家调整音频操控和自定义合适的音频体验,其中包括:均衡器设定、 低音增强、自动静音灵敏度、麦克监测、以及静音灯亮度调整。此外,Xbox无线耳机还可以通过与玩家的主机无线连接自动获取更新,确保玩家可以获得不断提升的优质音频体验。