Xbox360 单6..200块捡的垃圾,到手看壳子上还有2008年的标签,打开发现只有几个试玩游戏,明显未破,以为捡到无拆修的了,结果扒皮后发现里面都是焊接痕迹啊,膜是后补的
Xbox60 sli..收了台Xbox60 slim 主板型号是Corona 4G,改rgh3.0焊好picoflasher,j-runner却识别不到,报的下面的错,有朋友遇见过这种问题吗主板截图picoFlasher接线是照这个图接的
Need help understanding what console you have? Use Octal’s Xbox 360 Identification Wizard!Things you'll need: Tools: A basic toolkit which includes torx bits A device to read the consoles nand (xFlasher, NAND-X, JR-Programmer, MTX Flasher, Raspberry Pi Pico) Some 28-30awg single core wr...
PicoFlasher Step 3: Once you connect your NAND reader cables, wire up your RGH3 cables. See below for install points. RGH3 install diagrams: Phat motherboards Trinity motherboards Corona motherboards Place a 22k resistor on the PLL point and solder your wire to the other side of the resist...