The shutdown of the server has left us all feeling saddened and a little betrayed, especially as some of us play on the Xbox 360. I love the late nights on Bad Company 2, that game for me holds a special place in my heart, even now all these years. The gaming experiences and ...
Why is the Xbox 360 store down?The Xbox 360 has finally reached the end of its digital life cycle. The seventh-generation console may have been discontinued in 2016, but the age of digital purchases, combined with a laundry list of multiplayer favorites, kept the console as a popular ...
we've gathered a list ofall Xbox games with mouse and keyboard supportas a feature. A big thanks goes to the superb, user-updatedXbox KBM databasefor some of this list, and let us know if you're spotted any other games with KBM support down below. ... We're just a day away from the final shutdown of the Xbox 360 Marketplace, and with your final opp...
That's because later this month, the servers for GTA Online on PS3 and Xbox 360 will be permanently shut down. Rockstar announced that the servers for the game's OG versions would be no more before the end of 2021 earlier this year. Now that time is almost upon us, and if you are...
this beloved console, which made narrowing down this list of the best Xbox 360 games a real challenge. Whether you're playing on original hardware or taking a break from the best Xbox Series X games and using backward compatibility, these are the best games you can play on the Xbox 360....
Re: Server Shutdown Complaint - Xbox 360 I can't believe they did this. Bad Company 2 was the game that made their franchise popular and they just spit in the face of their consumers. What if someone with a PS3 or xbox360 doesn't own a PC. This was the last great game to hol...
The Xbox 360 Store and the Xbox 360 Marketplace ( were retired on July 29, 2024. For more info on what that means, how to continue playing your previously purchased Xbox 360 and Original Xbox games, and how to continue watching your Microsoft Movies & TV content, ...
Microsoft закриє Xbox 360 Store після 29 липня 2024 року, алекористувачі всещезможутьпродовжуватигративулюблені ігри.
✓ All connected controllers will turn OFF when your computer shuts down How to Install Download release Unzip the .exe anywhere on your PC Double click the application An icon appears in the taskbar, bottom right ...