一、手柄和接收器不能进行链接 这里只讲我遇见的,首先是手柄怎么都不能和无线接收器进行链接。 这里我琢磨半天,最后发现是电量不多了,买了两节新的五号电池解决。 二、Controller Companion 一直提示断开 因为这个已经链接过,我知道链接成功显示 手柄伴侣(已链接) 但是换了个Windows11以后再也没链接过,所以很迷惑。
Xbox 360 无线控制器的电池电力不足,或者 Xbox 360 充电电池组需要充电。 另一种无线设备(如微波炉、无绳手机或无线路由器)导致干扰。 四个控制器已连接到主机。 位于主机和无线控制器之间的金属物体导致了干扰。其中包括铬钢面板或金属分隔物、架子或娱乐中心柜子上的门。 注意所有授权的 Xbox 360 主机面板都测试...
This issue cannot be resolved with minor changes to the driver, and requires that the driver be re-written from scratch to resolve the issue. Due to an excess of caution, we have disabled Wireless Xbox 360 controller support as of 0.16.6. If you want to use a wireless controller, downloa...
To resync your controller with your console, see Connect a controller to your Xbox 360. If all four lights surrounding the power button on the console are green and the controller has four flashing green lights, four controllers might already be connected to the console. Disconnect al...
Connecting a wired Xbox 360 controller to a PC is as simple as inserting the controller cable into a USB port, and you are done. You don’t even need a receiver.
请问360手柄怎么连..我是Win10 64x的驱动也下了 也重启了 USB换了几个口插电脑上 但手柄就是连不上 灯一直在闪 设备管理器显示错误代码45求大佬指点有人么
DiztruxioncommentedSep 9, 2022 Hi, I'm attempting to get a XBox360 USB controller to pass from Windows 10 into WSL2 using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to create inputs to a Robot Operating System (ROS) simulation environment. So far I've been successful in installing all required packages, finding ...