Experience the dawn of all-out war only in Battlefield™ 1. Fight your way through epic battles ranging from tight urban combat in a besieged French city to the heavily defended mountain forts in the Italian Alps or frantic combats in the deserts of Arabia. Discover a world at war through...
Games Critics Awards Best of E3 2016: Best Action Game gamescom Best Action Game award winner 2016 Join the strong Battlefield community and jump into the epic battles of The Great War in this critically acclaimed first-person shooter. Battlefield 1 Revolution is the complete package containing:...
Conquer the Entire Great War. Games Critics Awards Best of E3 2016: Best Action Game gamescom Best Action Game award winner 2016 Join the strong Battlefield community and jump into the epic battles of The Great War in this critically acclaimed first-person shooter. Battlefield 1 Revolution is...
Release Date: October 2, 2018 | Developer: Playground Games | Last Position: No. 8 | IGN's Forza Horizon 4 video review | IGN's Forza Horizon 4 Wiki 12. Gears 5 Gears 5 loses the “of War” part of its title but absolutely none of its third-person cover-based shooter gameplay exce...
最近外媒WIRED评选出了Xbox上最好玩的12款游戏,如果有Xbox主机并且最近闹“游戏荒”的小伙伴们可以尝试一下,同时很大一部分游戏也能在PC平台上运行。 (以下排名不分先后) 一、Sunset Overdrive(日落过载)由Insomniac Games制作,微软发行 这款游戏发售于2014年,在中国玩家的群体中流传度并不高,这是一款结合了跑酷与...
《战争机器(Gears of War)》是由曾推出《魔域幻境》系列,並研發出新一代 3D 遊戲引擎「Unreal Engine3」的 Epic Games 在 Xbox 360 平台上所開發製作的首款遊戲,自發表以來便以驚人的畫面表現獲得各界關注。
Games included World of Warships: Legends Add-ons included World of Warships: Legends — Ocean Runner World of Warships: Legends — Mighty Starter Pack $4.99+ Games included World of Warships: Legends Add-ons included World of Warships: Legends — Mighty Starter Pack ...
Xbox One S Shadow of War Bundles (mit Spiel) Stelle Deine Armee auf und bezwinge Sauron mit den neuen Xbox One S Shadow of War Bundles (1 TB und 500 GB), die ab Oktober 2017 erhältlich sind. Im Paket ist eine Xbox Game Pass-Mitgliedschaft für einen Monat, mit unbegrenztem Zug...
6.《战争机器4(Gears of War 4)》 发售时间:2016年圣诞期间 图片来源:网络 该作是微软从Epic Games处购得了《战争机器》版权后的首款系列新作,由The Coalition团队开发。此前公布的游戏预告片为我们介绍了本作的两名新角色,Kait和JD。近日,他们又放出了两位新人物的设计概念图,看起来都是身穿重甲的狠角色。
《战争机器2(Gears of War2)》是全球累计销售达450万套的Xbox360代表作《战争机器》续作,承袭前作故事剧情,并提供比前作规模更大、水准更高、也更为狂暴激烈的游戏体验。游戏将采用EpicGames最新研发的加强版‘Unreal Engine3’次世代游戏引擎,进一步强化画面表现,并提供包括流体/柔体物理模拟与呈现数量更为庞大...