Jellyfin是一款开源免费的个人媒体服务器软件,是emby的分支,emby收费后开发的免费软件。 极影派 (仅支持windows电脑系统) 极影派是专为喜欢看电影和收藏电影的朋友开发的一款视频管理系统,该软件界面友好、操作简单且完全免费,能够非常方便的将用户电脑中所有的视频、电影管理起来,其独特的“导航栏”操作模式,会让您在播...
0.篇首语 Hello 大家好,我是 KC,上一篇 NAS 文章和大家分享了自己选购、安装 NAS 的一些心得体会。期间也利用 docker 安装了 Jellyfin 打造影音服务器的部分,不过在电视上… xbmc(kodi) plex 哪个您更中意 ? Rorschach 专业Morale Support 虽然Plex从早期的XBMC继承了部分代码,但是这两个App一直走的是不同的发展...
HistoryHistory This branch is 2863 commits behind jellyfin/jellyfin:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date parent directory .. Configuration Parsers Properties Providers Savers EntryPoint.cs MediaBrowser.XbmcMetadata.csproj Failed...
I'm having issues with nothing from Plex getting imported, and only a small fraction of Jellyfin episodes. Jellyfin movies seem fine. In Plex, I use a local agent since I write my own NFO files for my owned media, and their agents don't ...
[求助] kodi安装jellyfin插件,启动就报错! zjmxf 2025-1-5 11:06 15087 ZGD369 2025-1-5 11:39 [分享] 发个kodi插件吧 ...2345 liubeicaca 2021-1-7 14:52 49248382 man19731973 2025-1-3 21:22 [求助] kodi zip解压包U盘读不出来安装不知怎么回事换了U盘还是一样 hyc64 2024-10-28 08:43...
[求助] kodi安装jellyfin插件,启动就报错! zjmxf 2025-1-5 11:06 15100 ZGD369 2025-1-5 11:39 [分享] 发个kodi插件吧 ...2345 liubeicaca 2021-1-7 14:52 49248426 man19731973 2025-1-3 21:22 [求助] kodi zip解压包U盘读不出来安装不知怎么回事换了U盘还是一样 hyc64 2024-10-28 08:43...
Modern and Sleek Interface The first thing we notice when we use this media center is its modern interface. When we start it, it will launch in fullscreen mode, where we can immediately see the app’s list of features. At first, you will use the default theme, but you can change it...
从联网设备下载视频通过网络浏览器拖放上传 通过添加 USB 驱动器获得额外的板载存储从 Mac、PC、NAS 或支持 Wi-Fi 的硬盘驱动器流式传输与 Plex、Emby、Jellyfin、Kodi (XBMC 1.3K20 树莓派全家福 树莓派的用途 Web 服务器:
Since then it has has 3 names. Within two years after its initial release, it was renamed to XBMC Media Center as it was much more capable than a "media player". Then again in 2008, it became just XBMC, in its first step towards cutting its ties from Xbox for which it was originall...
[求助] kodi安装jellyfin插件,启动就报错! zjmxf 2025-1-5 11:06 15087 ZGD369 2025-1-5 11:39 [分享] 发个kodi插件吧 ...2345 liubeicaca 2021-1-7 14:52 49248379 man19731973 2025-1-3 21:22 [求助] kodi zip解压包U盘读不出来安装不知怎么回事换了U盘还是一样 hyc64 2024-10-28 08:43...