Usage: $ xbcloud put [OPTIONS] $ xbcloud get [OPTIONS] $ xbcloud delete [OPTIONS] This document contains information on general options and the options available when you select theSwift authentication version usingswift-auth-version. The xbcloud binary has the following general command line options...
$xbcloudget--storage=swift\--swift-container=test\--swift-user=test:tester\--swift-auth-url=\--swift-key=testing\full_backup|xbstream-xv-C/tmp/downloaded_full $xbclouddelete--storage=swift--swift-user=xtrabackup\--swift-password=xtrabackup123!--swift-auth-version=...
xbcloud has three essential operations: put, get, and delete. With these operations, backups are created, stored, retrieved, restored, and deleted. xbcloud operations clearly map to similar operations within the AWS S3 API.Version specific information¶2.4.25 - Added the support for Microsoft ...
xbcloud has three essential operations: put, get, and delete. With these operations, backups are created, stored, retrieved, restored, and deleted. xbcloud operations clearly map to similar operations within the AWS S3 API.Version specific information¶2.4.25 - Added the support for Microsoft ...
An example of using a shortcut restore. Get expert help¶ If you need assistance, visit the community forum for comprehensive and free database knowledge, or contact our Percona Database Experts for professional support and services. Last update: 2024-10-30...
You can use the IAM instance profile when running xbcloud from an EC2 instance. An authentication system has two elements: Who am I? What can I do? A role defines “what can I do.” A role provides a method to define a collection of permissions. Roles are assigned to users, services ...
Get expert help¶ If you need assistance, visit the community forum for comprehensive and free database knowledge, or contact our Percona Database Experts for professional support and services. Community ForumGet a Percona Expert Last update: 2024-10-30...