解释错误含义: 错误sudo: xattr-r-dcom.apple.quarantine: command not found 表明你尝试执行的命令格式有误,导致系统无法识别为有效的命令。具体来说,xattr-r-dcom.apple.quarantine 并不是一个有效的命令。这个错误可能是由于命令输入时的打字错误或者对命令的误解造成的。 提供正确的命令: 如果你想要使用 xattr ...
然而,在某些Linux发行版中,如Ubuntu、CentOS等,可能默认情况下并没有安装包含xattr命令的软件包。这就是为什么用户在终端中输入xattr命令时会收到“xattr: command not found”的错误信息。 要使用xattr命令,用户需要先安装相应的软件包。对于大多数Linux发行版来说,可以通过包管理器来安装所需的软件包。下面是一些常...
I also tried install poetry viapip install poetrywith the above, seems to have made no difference. My installation is not completely broken, but there are some packages where this fails. fastapi, flask, numpy actually seem to work for me, but e.g. onnx and sentencepiece break. I am usin...
WARNING: /home/sujay/imx8_gateway_build/iot-imx8-dev-CPU2.0/sources/meta-timesys-test/recipes-test/timesys-test-project/timesys-test-project.bb: Unable to get checksum for timesys-test-project SRC_URI entry file: file could not be foundParsing recipes: 100% |###...
LOG.warn(_LW("Unknown error occurred while checking mount"" point: %s Trying to continue."), exc)ifnotmounted:ifnotos.path.isdir(mount_path): self._execute('mkdir','-p', mount_path) command = ['mount.quobyte', quobyte_volume, mount_path]ifself.configuration.quobyte_client_cfg:...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 396ef3fb9112 localhost/podman-pause:4.2.0-1677582426 41 minutes ago Created>3306/tcp,>9104/tcp 0f0caf4384c8-infra podman info output host:arch:amd64buildahVersion:1.27.3cgroupControllers: ...
responsecode.NOT_FOUND,"No such property: %s"% (encodeXMLName(*qname),) ))else:raiseHTTPError(StatusResponse( statusForFailure(Failure()),"Unable to read property: %s"% (encodeXMLName(*qname),) ))## Unserialize XML data from anxattr. The storage format has changed# over time:## 1...
cd: not a directory: chromedriver ➜ bin pwd /usr/local/bin I'm sorry, but that's all gibberish. I really think it would be better to erase the hard drive and start over. You will need to develop more knowledge of the command line before using Python. Homebrew is going to be a...
So i went on to try my best be searching on web but i could not find anything else. And then i tried 2nd thing from Single User mode. (CMD S on boot) . Start up Mac in single-user mode by restarting then press and hold Command + S. Type /sbin/fsck -fy into the command line...
Xattr implementation has a possibility to return -EIO, but I could not found those messages in jffs2-dbg-flashboot.log.gz. - "strace ls /" It helps us to know what system call returns -EIO, and whether applications actually use xattr features, or not. ...