在跑ESPnet HKUST例程时,调对路径后运行run.sh遇到报错: stage 0: Data preparation Usage: iconv [-c] [-s] [-f fromcode] [-t tocode] [file ...] or: iconv -l Try 'iconv --help' for more information. xargs: cat: terminated by signal 13 Error: ./export/corpora/LDC/LDC2005T32/ is...
很多人经常把它们搞混,这篇文章会让你了解 Linux 的信号机制,以及一些常见信号的作用。什么是信号信号(Signal)是 Linux 进程收到的一个通知。...信号机制作为 Linux 进程间通信的一种方法。Linux 进程间通信常用的方法还有管道、消息、共享内存等。...SIGILL 5) SIGT
2.命令格式 kill -l [SIGNAL] kill [-sSIGNAL| -SIGNAL] PID...3.选项说明 -SIGNAL-sSIGNAL指定信号名或信号值 -l [SIGNAL] 指定信号名或信号值,转换信号名与信号值。如果不指定信号,则列出所有信号。...echo$$ 20174 kill -9 20174 (2)根据进程名称先查找出 PID 再强制杀死。...ps -ef ...
125 if the command is killed by a signal 126 if the command cannot be run 127 if the command is not found 1 if some other error occurred. Exit codes greater than 128 are used by the shell to indicate that a program died due to a fatal signal. STANDARDS CONFORMANCE As of GNU xargs ...
is running, you can send its process a SIGUSR1 signal to increase the number of commands to run simultaneously, or a SIGUSR2 to decrease the number. You cannot increase it above an implementation-defined limit (which is shown with --show-limits). ...
13find: `basename' terminated by signal 13fin 浏览3提问于2015-01-23得票数 0 1回答 具有特定步长的2D数组的和行- NumPy 我想知道是否有更好的方法来表达以下几行(除了使用短循环):energy[0::4, 0:] = np.sum(signal[0::4, :], axis=0)energy[2::4, 0:] = np.sum(signal[2::4, :]...
解决nginx: directive rewrite is not terminated by ; 解决nginx: [emerg] directive "rewrite" is not terminated by ";" nginx的rewite规则有时候没注意会报这个错误,原因是规则中存在{}会被认为是规则结尾报错 2.1K10 The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye 在maven项目中使用maven install命...
eclipse启动报错:JVMterminated. Exit code=13解决(open... 之前的JDK使用的是opensuse自带的openJDK1.7; 之后换成oracle官网下的jdk-6u38-linux-i586-rpm.bin, 导致eclipse无法启动, 报错: JVMterminated 2.3K100 A process in the process pool wasterminatedabruptly while the future was runni ...