cp: target `./mkpkg.sh' is not a directory [user@host:pkg]$ cd tmp2 [user@host:tmp2]$ ls [user@host:tmp2]$ cd ../ [user@host:pkg]$ find -type f | grep -v orig | grep -v tmp |xargs grep -l 'cp -rp' | xargs cp {} tmp2 cp: target `./mkpkg.sh' is not a d...
find ./ -name "*20130830*"|xargs cp {} ../20131231 报错:cp:0653-437 /asd_20130830.xml is not a directory 奇怪执行 cp /asd_20130830.xml ../20131231 没问题 遍历命令何使用呀求例
(3) not:逻辑非,在命令中用“!”表示。该运算符表示查找不满足所给条件的文件 。例如: find ! –name ’tmp’ % 该命令查询文件名不是’tmp’的所有文件。 需要说明的是:当使用很多的逻辑选项时,可以用括号把这些选项括起来。为了避免Shell本身对括号引起误解,在话号前需要加转义字符“\”来去除括号的意义...
> cat copylist | xargs cp 结果 没有问题 尝试2: 一个文件好了, 我试试多个 copylist temp file1 temp file2 命令 > cat copylist | xargs cp 结果 报错 # 什么鬼? cp: target ‘file2’ is not a directory 疑问 执行了这么多年的 cp, 没见过这种错误啊 不过cp 多参数的时候, 好像会...
find查找后 xargs 复制文件,使用:find*-name*.rpm|xargscp /opt 报错信息:cp:target‘extras/packages/python.rpm’isnotadirectory解决方案:find*-name*.rpm|cp`xargs`/opt
Copy files to multiple directories using thexargscommand. The syntax is: echo [directory-1] [directory-2] | xargs -n 1 cp -v [filename] For example, to copy the filefile.txtinto each directory listed in theechocommand output, one directory at a time, run: ...
find start_directory test options criteria_to_match action_to_perform_on_results 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.2、find命令的常用选项及实例 -name 按照文件名查找文件。 find /dir -name filename 在/dir目录及其子目录下面查找名字为filename的文件 find . -name "*.c" 在当前目录及其子目录(用“.”表示)中查找...
$ $ find . -name "*.cc" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} cp {} /temp/. This would copy all of the *.cc files returned by find into the /temp/ directory. Note that this would destroy the directory structure. If you want to preserve the directory structure, you would probably want to...
1. ...拷贝所有的图片文件到一个外部的硬盘驱动 # ls *.jpg | xargs -n1 -i cp {} /external-hard-drive/directory EXAMPLES find /tmp...cut -d: -f1 xargs echo Generates a compact listing of all the users on the system...参考推荐: Linux下which、whereis、locate、find 区别 Linux中的find...
trying to process a large set of data. Then you realize that the command you want to use only accepts input as a command-line argument, not from standard input (stdin), meaning data cannot be piped into it just like in echo, cp, or rm commands. Frustrated and you wonder what to do...