Meanwhile, XANES enables us to probe the electronic and geometric coordination structures of metal species based on the white-line intensity with the peak features. A combination of EXAFS and XANES has been used to determine the local interactions between the metal atoms and the support for M–C...
The HR-XANES spectrum of schoepite, [(UO2)4O(OH)6]·6H2O, has been measured as the White Line intensity can give information on the mixing of metal and ligand atomic orbitals. There is an indication for higher degree of ionicity for the U-OH bond in schoepite compared to the U-O2...
The peak intensity was only proportional to the amount of adsorbed hydrogen. Multiple scattering calculation could reproduce the peak induced by the hydrogen adsorption and showed the peak energy was independent of the number and the adsorption site of hydrogen on Pt surface. The Pt L-3-edge ...
The gold L3 edge develops a white line feature whose position lies between that of trivalent gold oxide (Au 2O3) and monovalent potassium gold cyanide (KAu(CN)2) and whose intensity relative to the edge step is smaller than in the two reference compounds. The L3 EXAFS for Au in the ...
A reduction in intensity of the white line in the platinum XANES is consistent with a partial filling of empty Pt d-band vacancies on adsorption of copper. Thus, UPD species can modify the electronic structure of a platinum catalyst. The adsorbed Cu+ species are apparently associated with HSO...
at high energy is favoured both by the lower intensity of the white line and by the smaller influence of double-electron excitation processes. From the experimental point of view, an important advantage of using the K-edge spectra is that at very high energy the absorption of most materia...
In addition, the white line develops a two peak structure with the second peak growing in intensity with increasing Nb content: a definite indication of valence fluctuation. After examining various interpretations, we conclude an IV state for iron as a consequence of configurational fluctuation in ...
The slightly increased rising absorption edge energy and white line intensity in the NO exposed spectra (Fig. 5a) could be indicative of increased Fe coordination due to NO adsorption into Fe centres. This is not compelling evidence since the changes are within the error limits of the technique...
With the white line intensity and shape as a fingerprint for oxidation state, TPR/XANES analysis enabled us to measure the relative composition of the different compounds as a function of the carburization time, temperature, and atomic number of the group 1 promoter. At the same time, TPR/...
The carbonated hydrotalcite and ettringite showed a K-edge whiteline peak energy at 1550.9 eV and 1550.8 eV, respectively, followed by the first resonance peak with higher absorption intensity at 1554.4 eV and 1553.6 eV, consistent with that reported in the literature (van Bokhoven et al., ...