如果要使用設定檔案(傳統文字模式)來調整XAMPP,那麼底下是設定檔案所在位置: Apache basic configuration: .\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf Apache SSL: .\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.conf Apache Perl (only addon): .\xampp\apache\conf\perl.conf Apache Tomcat (only addon): .\xampp\apache\conf\java.conf Apa...
调整后:Listen 8080、ServerName localhost:8080 十一、在Apache点击‘Config‘选择’Apache(httpd-ssl.conf)‘调整端口号: 调整后:Listen 4433、<VirtualHost _default_:4433> 、 ServerName www.example.com:4433 十二、在MySQL点击‘Config‘选择’my.ini‘ 由于3306不冲突,不做修改。如果3306端口冲突,需要调整修改...
Linux and Windows are different. So the crypt() function does not supported for windows and so on. Also the simple programming can be strange: For example the term 'var=Text;' functions in PHP for Linux. But for example for some older PHP for win32 you have to program 'var="Text";'...
5. Install the cert in windows. After that, you will see site.test folder created. In that folder we will haveserver.crtandserver.key. This is our SSL certificate. Double click on the server.crt to install it on Windows so Windows can trust it. ...
To install XAMPP you only need to download and extract XAMPP, that''s all. There are no changes to the Windows registry (not true if you use the Windows installer version of XAMPP) and it''s not necessary to edit any configuration files. It couldn''t be easier!
要添加更多虚拟主机,只需复制第二个虚拟主机块,然后根据需要修改端口号,DocumentRoot和ServerName指令。例如,如果要对自定义域名使用SSL,则可以为端口443添加新的虚拟主机块。 备注:如果您打算使用配置非常相似的大量虚拟主机,请考虑将基于通配符的子域与虚拟主机一起使用。
XAMPP does not work under Windows XP SP2! Sure! But here, Microsoft delivered a new firewall. This firewall blocks the important ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) and the server does not want to start (anymore). The fast solution: Deactivate the Microsoft firewall with the toolbar and ...
XAMPP does not work under Windows XP SP2! Sure! But here, Microsoft delivered a new firewall. This firewall blocks the important ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) and the server does not want to start (anymore). The fast solution: Deactivate the Microsoft firewall with the toolbar and ...