1.打开Xampp,开启Mysql,左侧图标未变成显示绿色,表明开启失败; 2.打开MySQL相对应的错误日志,如图; 3.进入日志拉到最下方,查看最近一次的错误显示,只看ERROR的; 4.但是会发现按照日志的删除某文件后还是开启失败,所以结合其内容,需要删除ibdata1、ib_logfile0、ib_logfile1和ib_logfile101这些文件; 5.重新启动,...
在使用XAMPP的时候,由于本人系统中已经安装了MySQL数据库服务和Tomcat服务器,所以在启动的时候就会出现端口被占用的情况。 ()一般情况Tomcat服务器会使用80端口,MySQL会占用3306端口,我们考虑将Apache服务器的端口改为81,XAMPP中的端口改为3366) 这时我们可以通过更改端口的情况来进行解决, 如图所示,这里我们双击打开XAMPP...
然后,您可以查看日志以查看是否有任何可疑之处,并按照提供的任何指令解决问题。 在某些情况下,访问您的PHP日志也可能是有益的,尽管这通常比Apache或MySQL更有助于解决WordPress错误。 要找到您的PHP错误日志,请通过在浏览器的地址栏中键入http://localhost打开XAMPP仪表板。在那里,单击屏幕顶部的PHPInfo : XAMPP仪表板...
I don't know what is causing it to not work, I have followed all the videos and tutorials to fix it but it still is not working. I have got APACHE and MySql turned on in the xampp control panel. do any of you know how to fix this?
Alternate solution for those who could not get the above working:Re-download the LAMPP package from http://www.apachefriends.org/. (wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/xampp/xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -O /tmp/xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz) Navigate to /opt/lampp/htdocs (or ...
I recently had to reinstall xampp on my computer and now my Preview function in Dreamweaver CC is not working, When I try to use it I her this message: It looks like the webpage at https://localhost/newMHMGC/Secure-Signup-Sheet4.php might be having issues, or it may have moved ...
xampp mysql server has gone away XAMPP MySQL Server Has Gone Away Introduction Have you ever encountered the error message “XAMPP MySQL server has gone away” while working with XAMPP? This error usually occurs when the connection between your application and the MySQL server is lost. In this ...