自動安裝程式 簡單安全:使用自動安裝程式的版本。 ZIP 壓縮檔 7zip 壓縮檔 簡單純粹:採用ZIP壓縮方式的版本(解壓縮後就可以使用,不需安裝動作)。 XAMPP PHP 5.4 XAMPP Windows 1.8.2版, 30.8.2013 XAMPP PHP 5.5 XAMPP for Windows 1.8.3 PHP 5.5 30/8/2013 BitNami Add-ons : WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!
UPDATED 9/24/2024:OnWindows 10and even on Windows 11, you can install XAMPP through the standalone installer or Command Prompt, and in this guide, I’ll teach you how to complete this process with both methods. XAMPP is a free, open-source software that provides an easy way for web de...
1 我们百度搜索xampp,到官网上下载安装包,xampp支持Windows、Linux和OS X三个版本,我这里电脑是Windows版本的,当前最新版本是 XAMPP for Windows 7.2.9(PHP 7.2.9),如下图所示:2 我们点击下载后会得到一个名为xampp-win32-7.2.9-0-VC15-installer.exe安装包,如下图所示:3 双击安装包进行安装,...
Window上装PHP开发环境 (XAMPP) 1. 从www.apachefriends.org上下载XAMPP for Windows的最新版本,我下的是XAMPP Windows 1.7.1 Installer. 2.双击安装,直接装在默认目录c:\xampp 下. 3.安装过程中,XAMPP Option:将SERVICE SELECTION下面的InstallApache as service和Install MySQL as service选上。 4.一直Next,直到...
Config: Quick access to configuration files for each component. NetStat: Monitor network status and connections. Services: Manage services as Windows services for persistent execution. Installation and SetupDownload: Obtain the app installer from the official Apache Friends website or FileHorse website....
Config: Quick access to configuration files for each component. NetStat: Monitor network status and connections. Services: Manage services as Windows services for persistent execution. Installation and SetupDownload: Obtain the app installer from the official Apache Friends website or FileHorse website....
1. 首先下载Windows版的 xampp,下载地址:https://www.apachefriends.org/zh_cn/download.html 2. 将压缩包解压到电脑上任意磁盘的根目录下,双击打开控制面板, 3.在Apache那一行点击Start,启动阿帕奇。启动后显示如下: 可能有些电脑由于端口复用,会出现无法启动阿帕奇和MySQL的情况,后面我再补上解决方法。 4. xamp...
Open your web browser and head over to the Apache Friendsdownloads page. On the next page, download the respective version for your Windows 10 PC.Advertisements Once it gets downloaded, navigate to the download folder of the File Explorer and launch the XAMPP installer. ...
xampp-win32-5.6.12-0-VC11-installer.exeDa**sy 上传108.95MB 文件格式 exe 32位的xampp服务器,XAMPP(Apache+MySQL+PHP+PERL)是一个功能强大的建站集成软件包。这个软件包原来的名字是 LAMPP,但是为了避免误解,最新的几个版本就改名为 XAMPP 了。它可以在Windows、Linux、Solaris、Mac OS X 等多种操作系统下...
For Vista, 7, 8, 2008 & 2012. Windows XP or 2003 not supported. Installer116 MB Installer-Version MD5 checksum: 6e1ad7314eaeb17ed7e365fc5190a0db ZIP213 MB ZIP-Version MD5 checksum: 72517d892dbb5eb609bb0ac1cd98c383 7zip101 MB 7zip-Version ...