To install XAMMP on Windows 11 and 10, download and run the installer to unpack the files, continue with the default selection of components (MySQL, phpMyAdmin, PHP, and Apache), choose the installation location, continue with the on-screen directions, and allow access through the firewall. Y...
Edit the php.ini file located in the installation directory to include the desired extension. Then restart Apache to apply changes.AlternativesWAMP: Windows-based stack similar to this tool, but includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP for Windows only.MAMP: Similar to this program but tailored for ...
After installing XAMPP to Windows 10 (all default/recommended installation attributes), I now have an issue changing its configuration after opening it. Error: Cannot create file "C:\xampp\xampp-control.ini". Access is denied Clicking Save to a change in Configuration of Control Pane...
Here you may need to wait for a while until it completes the installation. After the proper installation, you will be prompted with a window asking you“Do you want to start the Control Panel now?”. Select the checkbox and click on theFinishbutton. How to Configure XAMPP on Windows 11/...
I’ve been (slowly) designing a new WordPress site locally on my Windows 11 hard drive. I’ve been using Apache and MySQL via the XAMPP Control Panel. I keep running into a situation in which MySQL unexpectedly shuts down. MySQL would run without much incident for a few days. But...
问我们是否删除 MYSQL的数据 目录,这里一定要小心,如果确认数据库目录的所有数据都不打算要了才选择丫,否则请选择no如下图:It Send i*epD£'1:£ 七0 七金行 autkor 2七 ZcAri ten _stIt#tt Tills Script udll unX由HPP installation «*Should I delete yoiii*令 20、directory? <y/n> n...
测试结果只能用颇费形容。综上真的就easy的完成了XAMPP的windows部署及(我都没)配置。 当然我这肯定是个例,安装的过程中经常会有端口冲突的问题发生,包括我上次也是这样。附上几个参考链接吧。 Win7的一个论坛 ...
直接在浏览器中访问http://ip地址/installation/index.php,进入mambo的安装页面。 第一步:安装前的检查 包括安装语言的选择,以及安装完毕后的前台、后台语言,推荐选择Simplified_chinese(简体中文);必要组件如php、mysql等的安装情况;目录和文件的权限。(见图8) ...
WAMP: Windows-based stack similar to this tool, but includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP for Windows only.MAMP: Similar to this program but tailored for macOS. It includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP for Mac users.Laragon: A lightweight and portable local server with a fast installation process and...